Picabia Committee
26 rue Danielle Casanova
75002 Paris
Phone: +33 (0)1 42 60 23 78
The websitewww.picabia.comis edited by:
Picabia Committee
26 Rue Danielle Casanova
F-75002 Paris
Tel/Fax: +33 1 42 60 23 78
Association Law 1901
Responsible for the publication of the site:
Mr. Pierre CALTE
Phone: +33 1 42 60 23 78
Technical contacts:
Roger Buono
Phone: +33 6 83 16 50 90
The Site is hosted by:
10 rue Louis de Broglie
CS 52383
44323 NANTES cedex 3
Intellectual property and site content:
The entire content of the Site, data, information, logos, trademarks, photos, images, illustrations, graphic charters, etc., is protected under intellectual property law. Any copy, reproduction, distribution, in whole or in part, of an element of the Site, by any process whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without prior written authorization.
The elements presented on the site are subject to change without notice and are made available without any guarantee of any kind; they cannot as such give rise to any right to compensation.
The Picabia Committee declines all responsibility in the event of inaccuracy, imprecision or omission relating to the information made available.
Reproduction/Rights management:
For all information concerning copyright and requests for reproduction of Picabia's works, please contact theADAGP.
Phone: +33 1 43 59 09 79