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Recent exhibitions

Francis Picabia 

In collaboration with the Comité Picabia, Hauser & Wirth will display an exhibition of post-war artworks by Francis Picabia at our Paris gallery this January. Curated by Beverley Calté and Arnauld Pierre, this will be the first major solo exhibition exclusively exploring Picabia’s unique final period, created after his return to Paris in 1945 until the year before his death in 1953.

Hauser & Wirth, Paris

26 bis rue François 1er, Paris 75008

From 18 January 12 March 2025

Hauser & Wirth, New York

542 West 22nd Street New York 10011

From 1 May – 25 July 2025

Francis Picabia
Picabias Frauen

The present selection covering the years 1925-1950 explores the pulse of painting, and it beats strongly and resolutely in “Picabias Frauen”. 

The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalogue with an essay by Dave Hickey. 

Hardenbergstr. 9A
10623 Berlin
April 26 to June 29, 2024

Picabia_Galerie michael Werner_Berlin.jpg

List of exhibitions

You will find below a chronological list  of personal and group exhibitions.

Click on the arrows to open the text


Society of French Artists, Paris. Illustrated catalog of the 1899 Salon, May 1899.


Society of French Artists, Paris. Illustrated catalog of the 1901 Salon, May 1901.

Georges Petit Gallery, Paris. 10th Exhibition of the Artistic and Literary Society of Paris-Province, November 17–30, 1901.


Society of French Artists, Paris. Illustrated catalog of the 1902 Salon, May 1902.


Georges Petit Gallery, Paris. 11th Exhibition of the Artistic and Literary Society of Paris-Province, February 3–17, 1903. Society of Independent Artists, Paris. Catalog of the 19th exhibition, March 20 - April 30.

Society of French Artists, Paris. Illustrated catalog of the 1903 Salon, May 1903.

Society of Friends of the Arts of Dieppe, Dieppe. Exhibition, July 19–September 21, 1903.

Society of Friends of the Arts of Bayonne-Biarritz, Bayonne. Explanation of works of painting, sculpture, architecture, engraving, drawings, decorative arts, arts applied to industry. . . First exhibition. . . , August 25–?, 1903.

Autumn Salon Society, Paris. Catalog of the Salon d'Automne for the year 1903, October 31–December 6, 1903.


Artistic and Literary Circle7 rue Volney, Paris. 1904 Exhibition: Catalog of Painting and Sculpture, 1904.

Society of French Artists, Paris. Illustrated catalog of the 1904 Salon, May 1904.

French School Fair, Paris. 1st Exhibition of Painting reserved exclusively for French Artists, June 20–July 20, 1904.

Society of Friends of the Arts of Bayonne-Biarritz, Biarritz. Explanation of works of painting, sculpture, architecture, engraving, drawings, decorative arts, arts applied to industry. . . Second exhibition. . . , August 24–?, 1904.

Autumn Salon Society, Paris. Salon d'Automne: Catalog of the 2nd exhibition,

October 15–November 15, 1904.

Berthe Weill Gallery, Paris. Exhibition of paintings, watercolors, pastels & drawings by MM. Charbonnier, Clary-Baroux, Dufy (Raoul), Girieud, Picabia, Picasso, Thiesson, October 24–November 20, 1904.


Haussmann Gallery, Paris. Picabia, February 10–25, 1905. Preface by L. Roger-Milès.

Society of French Artists, Paris. Illustrated catalog of the 1905 Salon, May 1905.

Society of Friends of the Arts of Bayonne-Biarritz, Bayonne. annual exhibition,  25–? August, 1905.

Society of the Salon d'Automne,Paris. Catalog of painting, drawing, sculpture, engraving, architecture and decorative art, October 18 – November 20, 1905.

Georges Petit Galleries, Paris. 2nd Annual Salon of Original Color Engraving, November 1–15, 1905.


Artistic and Literary Circle7, rue Volney, Paris. Annual Salon, 1906.

Picabia's studio, Paris. Picabia exhibition, 1906 (no catalog).

French School Fair, Paris. 3rd Exhibition

Annual Fine Arts, January 26 –  February 25, 1906.

Caspers Kunstsalon, Berlin. Picabia Exhibition, March-April 1906 (no catalog).

Society of French Artists, Paris. Illustrated catalog of the 1906 Salon, May 1906.

Society of Friends of the Arts of Bayonne-Biarritz, Bayonne. 4th exhibition, August 25 – September 25, 1906.

Georges Petit Galleries, Paris. 3rd Annual Salon of Original Color Engravings, October 13 – November 12, 1906.

The Nancy Salon, Nancy. November 1906.

School of Fine Arts, Paris. Salon des acquisitions, December 1906 (no catalogue).


French School Fair, Paris. 4th Annual Fine Arts Exhibition, January 31 – March 3, 1907.

Haussmann Gallery, Paris. Exhibition F. Picabia, February 1–15, 1907. Preface by L. Roger-Milès.

[Eugene] Cremetti Gallery, London. Picabia Exhibition, March/April, 1907.

Wimmer Gallery, Munich. Exhibition of French artists, May?, 1907.

Palace of Bellas Artes, Barcelona. V International exhibition of beautiful arts and artistic industries:

Illustrated catalog, May/June, 1907.

Society of French Artists, Paris. Illustrated catalog of the 1907 Salon, May 1907.

Georges Petit Galleries, Paris. 4th Annual Salon of Original Color Engravings, October 22 – November 17, 1907.


Salon of the French School,Paris. 5th Annual Fine Arts Exhibition, January 25–February 26, 1908.

Georges Petit Galleries,Paris. “Les Cinquante”: Exhibition of original etchings in black (etching,

drypoint, burin, woodcut), May 16–28, 1908. Preface by Léon Roger-Milès.


French School Fair, Paris. 6th Annual Exhibition of Fine Arts, 1909.

Hotel Drouot,Paris. Catalog of paintings, watercolours, drawings, engravings, etchings by F. Picabia, March 8, 1909. Preface by L. Roger Milès.

Georges Petit Galleries, Paris. Exhibition of paintings by F. Picabia, March 17–31, 1909. Preface by

L. Roger-Miles.


Contemporary Art Gallery,Paris. Exhibition of sculpture, painting, decorative art, November 18, 1909–January 15, 1910. Preface by Louis Vauxcelles.

Norman Society of Modern Painting, Rouen. Exhibition of Modern Painting, December 20, 1909–January 20, 1910. Preface by Élie Faure.

Socompany of the Salon d'Automne, Paris. Salon d'Automne: Catalogue, October 1 – November 8, 1910.


Society of Independent Artists, Paris. Catalog of the 27th exhibition, April 2–June 13, 1911.

Norman Society of Modern Painting, Rouen. Second exhibition, May 1911.

Autumn Salon Society, Paris. 9th Exhibition: Catalogue, October 1–November 8, 1911.

Ancient and contemporary art gallery, Paris. Contemporary Art Exhibition, November 20–

December 16, 1911. Preface by René Blum.


Society of Independent Artists, Paris. Catalog of the 28th exhibition, March 20–May 16, 1912.

Norman Society of Modern Painting, Rouen. June Salon (Third Exhibition), June 15–July 15,

1912. Prefaces by Élie Faure and Maurice Raynal.

Autumn Salon Society, Paris. 10th Exhibition, Catalogue, October 1–November 8, 1912.

La Boétie Gallery, Paris. Salon de “La Section d'Or,” October 10–30, 1912. Preface by René Blum.


Association of American Painters and Sculptors, New York. International Exhibition of Modern Art, February 17–March 15; The Art Institute of Chicago, March 24–April 16; Copley Hall, Boston, April 28–May 19, 1913.

LLittle Gallery of the Photo-Secession [291], New York. Picabia Exhibition, March 17–April 5, 1913. Preface by Francis Picabia.

Society of Independent Artists, Paris. Catalog of the 29th exhibition, March 19–May 18,


The Sturm, Berlin. Erster Deutscher Herbstsalon, September 20–December 1, 1913. Preface by Herwarth Walden.


Autumn Salon Society, Paris. 11th Exhibition, November 15, 1913–January 5, 1914. Society of Independent Artists, Paris. Catalog of the 30th exhibition, March 1–April 30, 1914.

From Onafhankelijken, Amsterdam. Geïllustreerde Catalogus voor de 3de Internationale Jury – Vrije Tentoonstelling, May–June 1914.

Georges Giroux Gallery,Brussels. Salon des Indépendants in Paris, May 16–June 7, 1914.


Little Gallery of the Photo-Secession [291],New York. Picabia exhibition, January 12–26, 1915 (no catalog).

Modern Gallery, New York. Paintings by Picabia, Braque, Picasso; Photographs by Alfred Stieglitz,

October 7–November 13, 1915.


Department of Fine Arts, Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco. Post Exposition Exhibition, January 1–May 1, 1916.

Modern Gallery,New York. Picabia Exhibition, January 5–25, 1916.

Modern Gallery,New York. Exhibition of Paintings by Cézanne, Van Gogh, Picasso, Picabia, Braque,

Dessaignes, Rivera, February 12–March 1, 1916.

McClee Galleries,Philadelphia. Philadelphia's First Exhibition of Advanced Modern Art, May 17–

June 15, 1916. Preface by Morton Schamberg.

Modern Gallery, New York. Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture, September 11–30, 1916.


Bourgeois Galleries, New York. Exhibition of Modern Art, February 10–March 10, 1917.

Society of Independent Artists, New York. Catalog of the First Annual Exhibition, April 10–

May 6, 1917.

Modern Gallery,New York. Exhibition of drawings by Daumier, Guys, Lautrec, Picasso, Braque, Derain,

Laurencin and Picabia, June 1917.


The Penguin,New York. Exhibition, Contemporary Art, beginning March 16th, 1918, March 16–?, 1918.

Society of Independent Artists,New York. The Second Annual Exhibition, April 20–May 12, 1918.

Kunstsalon Wolfsberg,Zurich. Ausstellung die neue Kunst, September 1918. Catalog by W. Jollos.

Kunsthalle Basel.“Das neue Leben”: Erste Ausstellung, November 1918. See also Kunsthaus Zürich, 1919.


Kunsthaus Zurich.“Das Neue Leben”: Erste Ausstellung, January 12–February 5, 1919. See also

Kunsthalle Basel, 1918.

Arden Gallery,New York. The Evolution of French Art, April 29–May 24, 1919. Organized by Marius

by Zayas.

Autumn Salon Society, Paris. Catalog of Works of Painting, Sculpture. . . , November 1–

December 10, 1919.

Winter Circus, Paris. Untitled exhibition, December 1919. 387


Society of Independent Artists, Paris. Catalog of the 31st Exhibition, January 28–February 29, 1920.

Brauhaus Winter, Cologne. Dada Ausstellung: Dada-Vorfrüling, Gemälde, Skulpturen, Zeichnungen, Fluidoskeptrik, Vulgärdilettantismus, April–May 1920.

Neri Lounge, Geneva. Dada Exhibition (Serner): Francis Picabia, Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes, April 1–ca. May 15, 1920.

At Sans Pareil, Paris. Dada Exhibition: Francis Picabia, April 16–30, 1920. Preface by Tristan Tzara.

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. Exhibition of Paintings and Drawings by Representative Modern Masters, April 17–May 9, 1920.

Galleries of the Société Anonyme, New York. Inaugural exhibition, April 30–June 15, 1920 

(no catalog).

Kunsthandlung Dr. Otto Burchard,Berlin. Erste Internationale Dada-Messe, June 5–August 25, 1920.

Galleries of the Société Anonyme,New York. Third exhibition, August 2–September 11, 1920

(no catalog).

Society of the Salon d'Automne,Paris. 13th Exhibition, October 15–December 12, 1920.

Povolozky Gallery (The Target Gallery), Paris. Francis Picabia, December 10–25, 1920. Catalog by Marie de La Hire.


Society of Independent Artists, Paris. Catalog of the 32nd Exhibition, January 23–February 28, 1921.

Dalpayrat Gallery, Limoges. Francis Picabia Exhibition, February 1–15, 1921.

Society of the Salon d'Automne,Paris. Catalog XIV exhibition, November 1–December 20, 1921.

Worcester Art Museum, Massachusetts. Exhibition of Paintings by Members of the Société Anonyme,

November 3–December 5, 1921; Detroit Institute of Fine Arts, March–April 5, 1922; MacDowell Club,

New York, April 24–May 8, 1922.


Society of Independent Artists, Paris. 33rd Exhibition at the Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées:

Catalog, January 28–February 28, 1922.

The Art Institute of Chicago. Exhibition of Paintings from the Collection of the Late Arthur Jerome Eddy,

September 19–October 22, 1922.

Autumn Salon Society, Paris. Catalog: Salon d'Automne, November 1–December 17, 1922.

Dalmau Galleries, Barcelona. Exhibition Francis Picabia, November 18–December 8, 1922. Preface

by André Breton.


Society of Independent Artists, Paris. Catalog of the 34th exhibition at the Grand Palais des

Champs-Élysées, February 10–March 11, 1923.

Barbazanges, Paris. The private collection of M. Paul Poiret, April 26–May 12, 1923. Preface by

Andrew Salmon.

Friends of the Arts of Limoges, Limoges. Exhibition, May 10–June 3, 1923.

Danthon [Haussmann Gallery],Paris. Francis Picabia, May 14, 1923. Preface by GE [Germaine


Art Action Group Effort, Grenoble. III Exhibition, June 30–July 30, 1923.

Society of the Salon d'Automne,Paris. Catalog: Salon d'Automne 1923, November 1–December 16, 1923.

Society of Art Lovers and Collectors, Paris. Crazy Auction Salon: One Hundred Painters,

November 15–30, 1923. Preface by André Salmon.


Society of Independent Artists, Paris. Catalog of the 35th exhibition, February 9–

March 12, 1924.

Paul Guillaume Gallery,Paris. Benefit exhibition for Guillaume Apollinaire, ca. June 1924.


Durand-Ruel Galleries, Paris. Tri-national exhibition of works by French, English and American painters and sculptors, May 28–June 25, 1925.  See also New Chenil Galleries, London, 1925,

and Wildenstein Galleries, New York, 1926.

New Kennel Galleries, London. Catalog of the Exhibition of Tri-national Art: French, British,

American, October 1925. Text by Roger Fry. See also Galeries Durand-Ruel, Paris, 1925, and

Wildenstein Galleries, New York, 1926.


Wildenstein Galleries, New York. Catalog of The Exhibition of Tri-National Art: French, British,

American, January 26–February 15, 1926. See also Galeries Durand-Ruel, Paris, 1925, and New Chenil

Galleries, London, 1925.

Hotel Drouot, Paris. Paintings, watercolors, and drawings by Francis Picabia belonging to Mr. Marcel

Duchamp, March 8, 1926. Preface by Rrose Sélavy [Marcel Duchamp].

Gallery Barbazanges, Paris. Exhibition, April 1926.

Detail Gallery, Marseilles. Fauve exhibition, April 1926.

Hotel Drouot, Paris. Paintings, drawings, watercolors, gouaches, etc. modern. . . 16 paintings by

F. Picabia – Period from 1902 to 1908. . . , May 31,1926.

Dresden. International Kunstausstellung, June–September 1926.

Nationalgallery, [Berlin]. Ausstellung von Gemälden jüngerer Künstler aus Deutschland, England,

Frankreich und den Vereinigten Staaten, July–August, 1926. Texts by AB Houghton and Roger

Fri. With venues also in Bern, London, Galerie Bernheim Jeune, Paris and New York, 1926–27.

Dalmau Galleries, Barcelona. Exposició de modernisme pictòric catalá confrontada amb una

selection of works by foreign avant-garde artists, October 16–November 6, 1926. Preface by Sebastià Gasch.

Brooklyn Museum, New York. An International Exhibition of Modern Art Assembled by Society

Anonymous, November 19, 1926–January 1, 1927; Anderson Galleries, New York, January 25–February 5; Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, February 25–March 20, 1927; Toronto Art Gallery, Grange Park, April 1–24, 1927.

Gallery At the Rite of Spring, Paris. Benefit exhibition and sale for son of Jan Sliwinski, November 30–December 11, 1926 (no catalogue).


Bernheim Young Gallery,Paris (other venues in Berlin, Bern, London and New York). Exposure

multinational, January 3–14, 1927 (catalog no).

nautical circle, Rods. Francis Picabia Exhibition, January 28–February 7, 1927. Texts by

Emile Fabre, Emeran Clémansin du Maine and Francis Picabia.

Society of Fine Arts of Nice, Nice. Catalog of the fiftieth anniversary exhibition, March 1927.

Van Leer Gallery,Paris. Picabia at Van Leer, October 24–November 5, 1927.

Briant-Robert Gallery, Paris. Francis Picabia, November 11–30, 1927. Preface by Robert Desnos.


At Fabre,Canes. Francis Picabia, February 20–25, 1928. Texts by Émile Fabre and Emeran Clémansin du Maine.

Gallery At the Rite of Spring, Paris. Does Surrealism Exist?, April 1928.

The Intimate Gallery,New York. Picabia Exhibition, April 19–May 11, 1928. Text by Meraud Michael


The Renaissance Exhibition Gallery,Paris. Portraits and figures of women, Ingres to Picasso,

June 1–30, 1928.

Gallery Th.[éophile] Briant, Paris. Francis Picabia, October 26–November 15, 1928.

Van Leer Gallery,Paris. Exhibition Meraud Michael Guinness, December 2–15, 1928. Preface by Francis



The Arts Club of Chicago. Watercolor Drawings by Francis Picabia, February 22–March 8, 1929.

At Fabre,Canes. Francis Picabia Exhibition, April 11–27, 1929. Preface by E. Fabre.

Gallery Th.[éophile] Briant, Paris. Francis Picabia, November 12–December 7, 1929.1930

Goemans Gallery, Paris. Exhibition of collages, March 1930. Preface by Louis Aragon.

From Onafhankelijken,Amsterdam. Tentoonstelling. . . puts Guest's, Fransche in

Belgian Surrealists, May 10–June 9, 1930.

Superindependents, Paris. Exhibition, Boulevard Raspail, June 7–29, 1930.

Alexander III Gallery,Canes. Picabia exhibition, August 20–?, 1930 (no catalog).

Kunstsalon Wolfsberg, Zurich. Production Paris 1930: Werke der Malerei und Plastik, October 8 November 15, 1930.

Superindependents, Paris. Les Surindépendants artistic association; Disciplinary independence:

third exhibition, October 25–November 24,


Leonce Rosenberg, Paris. Exhibition Francis Picabia: Thirty Years of Painting, December 9–31,

1930. Texts by Francis Picabia and Léonce Rosenberg.


New School for Social Research, New York (Société Anonyme). Special Exhibition Arranged in Honor of the Opening of the New Building of the New School, January 1–February 10, 1931.

Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo (Société Anonyme). An International Exhibition Illustrating the Most

Recent Developments in Abstract Art, February 18–March 8, 1931.

Palace of Fine Arts, Brussels (Living Art). Living Art in Europe, April 25–May 24, 1931.

Renaissance Gallery,Paris. “1940”: First exhibition, June 11–30, 1931.

Georges Bernheim and Co. Gallery,Paris. Exhibition Francis Picabia, November 10–25, 1931. Preface by Robert Desnos.

Jeanne Bucher Gallery,Paris. Original watercolors by F. Picabia composed to illustrate Le Peseur

d'âmes by André Maurois, published by Antoine Roche, November 12–17, 1931 (no catalogue).


From Onafhankelijken, Amsterdam. Hedendaagsche Schilderkunst en Beeldhouwkunst, March [5– April 3], 1932.

Braun & Co. Art Gallery, Paris. Twenty-five years of abstract painting (Exhibition Bulletin VII),

June 3–16, 1932. Text by André Salmon.

Evelyn Wyld and Eyre of Lanux,Canes. 104 drawings by Francis Picabia, August 19–?, 1932.

Preface by Germaine Everling.

Leonce Rosenberg,Paris. Exhibition of drawings by Francis Picabia, December 1–24, 1932. Preface by Gertrude Stein; trans. by Marcel Duchamp.


The Art Institute of Chicago. Catalog of a Century of Progress, Exhibition of Paintings and

Sculpture, Lent from American Collections, June 1– November 1, 1933. Catalog by Daniel Catton


Vignon Gallery,Paris. Exhibition of works by Francis Picabia, November 9–23, 1933

(no catalog).


Alexander III Gallery,Canes. Catalog of watercolors and drawings making up Francis' studio

Picabia, August 18, 1934. Preface by Maurice Mignon.

Vignon Gallery,Paris. Francis Picabia, his recent works, October 25–November 6, 1934

(no catalog).

Valentine Gallery, New York. Recent Paintings by Francis Picabia, November 5–24, 1934. Preface by

Gertrude Stein.


“Beaux-Arts” and “Gazette des Beaux-Arts,”Paris. Prestige of the drawing, January 1935.

International Chamber of Art Experts, Paris. Didactic Exhibitions: Three syntheses

artistic: Egyptian and Greek arts – medieval art – 20th century art, April 3–May 3, 1935. Preface

by Arthur Sambon.

Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, Massachusetts. French Painting, Cézanne to the Present,

December 7, 1935–January 5, 1936.


The Arts Club of Chicago. Paintings by Francis Picabia, January 3–25, 1936. Texts by Édouard-

Joseph and Gertrude Stein.

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Cubism

and Abstract Art, March 2–April 19, 1936. Edited by Alfred H. Barr, Jr.

Jeanne Bucher Gallery, Paris. Francis Picabia, March 4–14, 1936 (catalog no).

New Burlington Galleries, London. The International Surrealist Exhibition, June 11– July 4, 1936. Preface by André Breton.

The Museum of Modern Art,New York. Fantastic Art, Dada, Surrealism, December 7, 1936–January 17,1937. Edited by Alfred H. Barr, Jr.


Duverney Art Gallery, Rods. Picabia exhibition, February 1937 (no catalogue?). The Sergey Gallery, Cannes. Picabia exhibition, April 20–30, 1937 or 1938 (no catalog).

Grand Palace, Palace of Discovery, Paris. The Relations of Art and Science, mid-1937.

Petit Palais, Paris. The Masters of Independent Art, 1896–1937, June–October 1937.

Jeu de Paume Museum, Paris. Origins and development of independent international art,

July 30–October 31, 1937.

An American Place, New York. Beginnings and Landmarks: "291" 1905–1917; Exhibitions,

An American Place, October 27–December 27, 1937.

Beaune Gallery,Paris. Francis Picabia: Dada paintings, recent landscapes, November 19–

December 2, 1937.


The London Gallery, London. The Impact of Machines, catalog in London Bulletin, nos. 4–5

(July 1938), 5–8.

Guggenheim Young, London. Exhibition of collages, papiers-collés and photo-montages, November 3–26, 1938.

Beaune Gallery,Paris. Francis Picabia, November 4–17, 1938. Preface by Albert Flament.


Charpentier Gallery, Paris. New realities: Set of works chosen and coordinated by

MM. Yvanhoé Rambosson and Frédo Sidès to constitute a synoptic table of the evolution

aesthetics and technique of an art totally free from the direct vision of nature [3rd installment],

July 17–31, 1939.

The George Walter Vincent Smith Art Museum, Springfield, Massachusetts. Some New Forms of

Beauty, 1909–1936.


A Selection from the Collection of the Société Anonyme Museum of Modern Art:

1920, November 9–December 17, 1939; Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut, January 4–

February 4, 1940.


Gallery of Arte Mexicano,Mexico City. Exposición International del Surrealismo, January–February 1940.


The Sergey Gallery, Rods. Francis Picabia Exhibition, April 11–?, 1941. Text by Gertrude Stein.


Pasteur Gallery, Algiers. Picabia exhibition, January; unknown venue, Constantine, April 1942

(no catalog).

The Lounge Library,Canes. Exhibition of recent works by Francis Picabia and Michel Sima,

July 15–31, 1942. Preface by Germaine Everling.


The Sergey Gallery, Rods. The Later Works of Bonnard-Matisse-Picabia. . . , April 10–30, 1943 (catalog no).

“Arts and Crafts” Gallery,Canes. 100 drawings & 5 portraits by F. Picabia, September 7–30, 1943

(no catalog).

Tourist Office, Principality of Monaco, Monte Carlo, Francis Picabia: drawings,

October 4–20, 1943. Preface by Germaine Everling.


Philadelphia Museum of Art. History of an American, Alfred Stieglitz: “291” and after,

March 1944–January 1947.


Buffalo [no museum named].French Paintings of the Twentieth Century (1900–1939), Cincinnati and

St. Louis [no museums named], nd [1945?].

Superindependents, Paris. Association Artistique les Surindépendants: independence discipline, twelfth exhibition, October 20–November 13, 1945.


Kunsthalle Basel.Francis Picabia; Sammlung Nell Walden, January 12–February 3, 1946.

Denise Rene Gallery, Paris. Francis Picabia: Over-Unrealistic Paintings, April 26–May 20, 1946.

News Realities, Paris. 1st Salon des Réalités Nouvelles: Abstract Art, Concrete, Constructivism,

Non-figurative, July 19–August 18, 1946.

Colette Allendy Gallery,Paris. Francis Picabia: Works from 1907 to 1924, October 18–November 16,

1946. Text by Henri Goetz.

Superindependent,Paris. XIIIth Salon des Surindépendants, October 19–November 12, 1946.


Lhote Gallery,La Rochelle. Exhibition of drawings by Picabia, January 10–20, 1947 (no catalogue).

United States Gallery,Canes. Picabia & Gallibert Exhibition, February 21–March 13, 1947. Statement by Germaine Everling.

The London Gallery,London. The Cubist Spirit in Its Time, March 18–May 3, 1947. Organized by

ELT Mesens, catalog by Robert Melville and ELT Mesens.

Colette Allendy Gallery,Paris. Francis Picabia: 5 Paintings and 60 Drawings; Transparencies- Surimpressions, May 30–June 23, 1947. Preface by Francis Picabia.

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Alfred Stieglitz Exhibition: His Collection, June 10–

August 31, 1947 (typed checklist only).

Maeght Gallery, Paris. International Surrealism Exhibition presented by André Breton and Marcel

Duchamp; Surrealism in 1947, July–August, 1947.

New Realities,Paris. 2nd Salon des Réalités Nouvelles: abstract and concrete art, Constructivism,

non-figurative, Orphism, July 21–August 18, 1947.

Lounges at the Hotel Gray d'Albion, Rods. Painting Exhibition: The Museum of Grenoble presents

“L'Art Vivant” and “L'Ecole de Paris,” August 23– September 25, 1947.

Lhote Gallery, La Rochelle. Francis Picabia, October 11–22, 1947.

Hotel of the Sub-Prefecture, Montbrison. From Impressionism to the Present, October 12–November 9, 1947.


The Art Institute of Chicago. Alfred Stieglitz Exhibition: His Photographs and His Collection,

January 1948 (typed checklist only).

Luxembourg Gallery, Paris. Francis Picabia: Recent Paintings, April 11–May 8, 1948. Text by

Francis Picabia.

Colette Allendy Gallery,Paris. HWPSMTB, April 30–?, 1948. Texts by participating artists, including Picabia.

National Museum of Modern Art, Palace of Tokyo, Paris. Exhibition of Udnie and Edtaonisl, May 1948

(no catalog).

Gallery of the Two Islands, Paris. White and black: Arp, Bryen, Fautrier. . . [et al.], July 19–?, 1948.

New Realities, Paris. 3rd Salon, July 23–August 30, 1948.

Gallery of the Two Islands, Paris. Francis Picabia, works from 1948, November 15–December 4, 1948.

Statement by Michel Seuphor. 


Modern Art Museum,Sao Paulo. Do figurativismo ao abstractionismo, March? 1949. See also Instituto de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires, 1949.

René Drouin Gallery, Paris. 491, 50 years of pleasures, March 4–26, 1949. Catalog by Michel Tapié, contributions by André Breton, Charles Estienne, Suzanne Ghandi, Olga [Picabia], Gabrielle Buffet, H.-P. Roché, Jean Cocteau, Marie, Marcel Duchamp, Michel Seuphor, Robert

Desnos, Camille Bryen, Pierre de Massot, Bernard Fricker, Dédé de l'Opéra, Jean Van Heeckeren,

Michel Perrin, Georges Charbonnier, Christine Boumeester, Francis Picabia, Henri-Bernard

Goetz, and Francis Bott.

Maeght Gallery, Paris. The Early Masters of Abstract Art: Preliminary Research, end April–

May 23, 1949; Grenoble Museum, dates unknown. Catalog in Behind the Mirror, nos. 20–21 (Paris,

May 1949).

French Institute of Athens, Athens. Exhibition of works donated by French artists in homage to Greece, April 17–29, 1949.

Institute of Modern Art, Buenos Aires. Del arte figurativo al arte abstracto no. 1, July 1949. See also Museo de Arte Moderna São Paulo, 1949.


Montlucon. Martin's group, October 17–31, 1949.

The Art Institute of Chicago. 20th Century Art: From the Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection,

October 20–December 18, 1949.

Galleries of the Two Islands, Paris. Eloquence of the Line, October 24–November 12, 1949. Text by Michel


Nimes Museum.Paintings today, October 29–November 27, 1949. Text by Michel


Gallery of the Two Islands, Paris. Picabia Point, December 12–31, 1949. Text by Michel Seuphor.


Rose Fried Gallery, The Pinacotheca, New York. Picabia, February 15–March 31, 1950. Text by

John Arp.

Apollo Gallery, Brussels. Francis Picabia, October 18–November 3, 1950. Text by Michel


Royal Society of Fine Arts of Verviers. Painting under the Sign of Apollinaire, October 22–

November 5; Royal Artistic and Literary Circle, Ghent, November 11–26; Palace of Fine Arts,

Brussels, December 1950.


Allendy Gallery, Paris. Francis Picabia, recent works; some sculptures by Sima, December 13,1950–January 12, 1951. Text by Francis Picabia.

United States Gallery, Rods. Remarkable exhibition of 100 works by Picabia, 1951

(no catalog).

Rose Fried Gallery, New York. Untitled group exhibition, January 4–20, 1951.

Royal Academy of Arts, London. The School of Paris, 1900–1950, January 13–March 7, 1951.

Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven. Pictures for a Picture: Of Gertrude Stein as a Collector and

Writer on Art and Artists, February 11–March 11; The Baltimore Museum of Art, March 21–April 21,


Georges de Braux, Inc.., Philadelphia. Surrealist Paintings by Francis Picabia, Pierre Roy,

Marie Martinez-Picabia, Pierre Ino, May 1951 (no catalog).

Rose Fried Gallery, New York. Some Areas of Search, May–June 1951 (no catalog).

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. From the Alfred Stieglitz Collection: An Extended Loan from

the Metropolitan Museum of Art, May 22–August 12, 1951 (no catalog).

Large exhibition hall of “La Réserve”,Knokke-Le Zoute-Albert Beach, Belgium. 75 works

du Demi-Siècle, July 14–September 9, 1951. Curated by ELT Mesens.

Galerie Artist and Craftsman, Paris. Some works by Picabia (Dada period 1915–1925), November 20– December 4, 1951. Texts by Jacques-Henri Lévesque, Pierre de Massot, André Breton, and

Blaise Cendrars.


At PAB, Ales. Assortment of drawings by F. Picabia, January 21–28, 1952. Statement by

Rene Char.

Marbach Gallery, Berne. Exhibition of Francis Picabia, Christine Boumeester, and Henri Goetz, March 26–April 23, 1952 (no catalog).

California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco. Time and Man: An Idea Illustrated by an

Exhibition, March 29–May 11, 1952.

National Museum of Modern Art, Paris. The Work of the Twentieth Century: Paintings – Sculptures, May–June 1952.

Kunsthalle Basel. Phantastische Kunst des XX. Jahrhunderts, August 30–0ctober 12, 1952.

Colette Allendy Gallery, Paris. 15 recent paintings by Francis Picabia, December 19, 1952–January 15,

1953. Texts by André Breton, Camille Bryen, Jean Cocteau, Jean van Heeckeren, Jacques-Henri Lévesque, Michel Perrin and M. Seuphor; no catalog list.

At PAB, Ales. Gleizes, Picabia, Survage, December 20–28, 1952 (no catalogue?).


Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery,Hobart. French Painting Today: A Loan Exhibition arranged between the French and Australian Governments, January–February; The National Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, March–April; The Queensland National Art Gallery, Brisbane, April–May;

The National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, June–July; The National Gallery of South

Australia, Adelaide, August; The Public Library Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, September 1953.

National Museum of Modern Art, Paris. Cubism (1907–1914), January 30–April 9, 1953.

Sydney Janis Gallery, New York. Dada, 1916–1923, April 15–May 9, 1953.

Walker Art Center, Minneapolis. The Classic Tradition in Contemporary Art, April 24–June 28, 1953.

Berggruen and Co. Gallery, Paris. Masters of Abstract Art, July 8–August 10, 1953.

Craven Gallery (October Salon),Paris. Tribute to Picabia, October 1–29, 1953. Texts by C. Estienne, M. Tapié, E. Jaguer, R. Penrose, P. Alechinsky, C. Dotremont.

Rose Fried Gallery, New York. Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia, December 7, 1953–January 8, 1954.


modern art museum, Sao Paulo. The Bienal do Museu de arte moderna de São Paulo, December 8,

1953–February 8, 1954.

Redfern Gallery, London. Paintings, Drawings, Prints from the Movements of Cubism,

Abstractionism, Surrealism, Formalism, April 13–May 8, 1954.

Rose Fried Gallery, New York. Untitled group exhibition, November 2–December 1954.


Wildenstein Gallery,London. Marcel Proust and His Time 1871–1922, 1955.

Educational Museum, Paris. Durability of Gallic art, February–March, 1955.

Gallery of the Institute, Paris. Evocation of . . . Heroic Age, March 18–April 13, 1955. Preface by Waldemar George.

Cantonal Museum of Fine Arts, Lausanne. Movement in Contemporary Art, June 24–September 26, 1955.

The University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor. 20th Century Painting and Sculpture from

The Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis Winston, October 30–November 27, 1955.


Sydney Janis Gallery,New York. Cubism 1910–1912, January 3–February 4, 1956.

Rose Fried Gallery,New York. International Collage Exhibition, February 13–March 17, 1956.

Kunstkring de Waag, Almelo. Van Daumier tot Picasso: Twents Particulier Bezit, March 17– April 30, 1956.

Albion College, Albion, Michigan. Selections from the Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Lewis Winston,

Birmingham, Michigan, April 10–25, 1956.

The Newark Museum, Newark, New Jersey. Abstract Art: 1910 to Today, April 27–June 10, 1956.

Furstenberg Gallery, Paris. Picabia Exhibition, June 5–July 5, 1956.

Historic castle of La Napoule, Henry Clews Art Foundation, La Napoule, France. Exposure

Picabia, artists in the sun and Jean-Gabriel Domergue, September 14–October 14, 1956.

Rose Fried Gallery, New York. Modern Masters, October 22–November 30, 1956.


Museum of Art and Industry, Saint Etienne. Abstract Art: The First Generations (1910–1939),

[April-May] 1957. Catalog by Maurice Allemand.

RBA Galleries, London. An Exhibition of Paintings from The Museum of Modern Art Paris, April 13–

May 18, 1957.

Museum of Fine Arts, Burgundy. Bosch, Goya and the fantastic, May 20–July 31, 1957. Catalog by Gilberte Martin-Méry: texts by multiple authors.

Galliera Museum, Paris. Paris 09–29: Plenty and Scenery of Parisian Life from 1909 to 1929, June–August 1957.

Museum of Fine Arts, Towers. 20th century artists: National Museum of Modern Art, Petit Palais,

Tours Museum, Private Collections, July 18– September 15, 1957.

Kunstverein St. Gallen, Switzerland. Malende Dichter, dichtende Maler, August 3–October 20, 1957.

The Detroit Institute of Arts. Collecting Modern Art: Paintings, Sculpture and Drawings from the

Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis Winston, September 27–November 3, 1957; The Virginia

Museum of Art, Richmond, December 13, 1957–January 5, 1958; The San Francisco Museum of Art,

January 23–March 13; The Milwaukee Art Institute, April 11–May 12, 1958.

Rose Fried Gallery, New York. 50 Works by 23 Modern Masters, October 28–December 21, 1957.

Gimpel Son, London. Around Cubism, December 1957.


Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts. The 1913 Armory Show in Retrospect, February 17–

March 17, 1958.

Brussels Universal and International Exhibition, Brussels. 50 years of modern art, April 17–

October 19, 1958.

Knoedler Gallery, Paris. Evenings in Paris, May 16–June 30, 1958.

Museum of Fine Arts, Rouen. Landscapes of France from Impressionism to the present day, July 5–

September 21, 1958.

Kunsthalle, Dusseldorf. Dada: Documente einer Bewegung, September 5–October 19, 1958. See also

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1958–59.

Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston. The Trojan Horse: The Art of the Machine, September 25–

November 9, 1958. Introduction by Jermayne MacAgy.

Sidney Janis Gallery, New York. X Years of Janis, September 29–November 1, 1958.

Stedelijk Museum,Amsterdam. Dada, December 12, 1958–January 2, 1959. See also Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf, 1958.


Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati. Modern Masterpieces for Collectors, 1959.

Narodowe Museum, Warsaw. Malarstwo francuskie od Gauguina do dnia dzisiejszego. April 30–May 31, 1959.

National Museum of Modern Art, Paris. The School of Paris in Belgian collections, July 9–?, 1959.

Matthiesen Gallery, London. Francis Picabia 1879–1953, October–November 1959.

Contemporary Arts Association of Houston. Out of the Ordinary, November 26–December 27, 1959.

Daniel Cordier Gallery, Paris. International Exhibition of Surrealism 1959–1960, December 15–?, 1959.


Samlaren, Stockholm. De Picabia turn around, February 1960.

Chalet Gallery, New York. Construction and Geometry in Painting: From Malevich to

“Tomorrow,” March 31–June 4; Contemporary Art Center, Cincinnati, July 5–October 9; The Arts

Club of Chicago, November 11–December 30, 1960; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, January 14–

February 25, 1961.

Gallery Schwarz, Milano. Francis Picabia, July 1–30, 1960. Texts by multiple authors.

Mediterranean Palace, Nice. Painters in Nice and on the Côte d'Azur, 1860–1960, July–September 1960.

Fantin Latour Museum, Grenoble. The VIIIth International Student Festival presents its exhibition

surrealist, September 3–20, 1960.

Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, Chicago. Goal . . . is it Art?, October 17–November 12, 1960.

National Museum of Modern Art, Paris. The sources of the 20th century: The Arts in Europe from 1884 to 1914,

November 4, 1960–January 23, 1961.

D'Arcy Galleries, New York. Surrealist intrusion in the Enchanters' Domain (International Surrealist

Exhibition), [November 28, 1960–January 14, 1961].

Palazzo Barberini, Roma. Omaggio ad Apollinaire, December 1960–January 1961.


Grandelle Palace,Besancon. Art Festival: Surrealism and Precursors, 1961.

Museum of Art,Rhode Island School of Design, Providence. The World of Dada, January 18–

February 19, 1961.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Paintings from the Arensberg and Gallatin

Collections of The Philadelphia Museum of Art, [February 7–April 16], 1961.

Dragon Gallery and Weiller Gallery, Paris. Contemporary Cuban Art, February 21–March 10, 1961.

Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. Bewogen – Beweging, March 10–April 17, 1961. Catalog by Pontus Hultén. See also Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 1961.

Institute of Design, Chicago. The Maremont Collection at the Institute of Design, Illinois Institute

of Technology, April 5–30, 1961.

Paris Gallery, Paris. Friends of Saint-Tropez, May 2–June 10, 1961.

Moderna Museum, Stockholm. Rörelse I Konsten, May 17–September 3, 1961. Catalog by Pontus

Hulten. See also Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1961.

Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York. Centennial loan exhibition: Drawings & watercolors

from alumni and their families, May 19–June 11; Wildenstein & Co., Inc., New York, June 14–

September 9, 1961.

The Museum of Modern Art,New York. The Art of Assemblage, October 2–November 12, 1961;

The Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, January 9–February 11, 1962; san francisco

Museum of Art, March 5–April 15, 1962. Catalog by William C. Seitz.

Civico Padiglione D'Arte Contemporanea, Milano. Da Boldini a Pollock: Pittura e scultura del secolo XX,

October 12–November 5, 1961; Mostra della moda stile costume, Turin, 1961.

Mona Lisa Gallery, Paris. Picabia seen in transparency, November–December 1961. Texts

by Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes and Patrick Waldberg.

National Museum, Tokyo. French Art Exhibition 1840–1940, November 3, 1961–January 15, 1962;

Municipal Museum, Kyoto, January 26–March 15,


Ixelles Museum, Brussels. The School of Paris in Belgian Collections, November 19–December 23, 1961; Charleroi Palace of Fine Arts, January 10–February 4, 1962.

Denise Rene Gallery, Paris. International Constructive Abstract Art, December 1961–February 1962.


The Choate School, Wallingford, Connecticut. The George Farkas Collection of Old and Modern Art

Masterpieces, January–June 1962.

The Detroit Institute of Arts. French Drawings and Watercolors from Michigan Collections, January 1–

February 4, 1962.

University of St. Thomas, Houston.The Age of the Thousand Flowers: An Exhibition of Works by Artists

Past and Present, March 9–April 30, 1962.

Cantini Museum, Marseilles. Picabia, March 20– May 15, 1962. Text and catalog by Mme. Jacques

Latour and Jean-Albert Cartier.

Museum of Decorative Arts,Paris. French-speaking collections, July–October 1962.

Kunsthalle Bern. Francis Picabia 1879–1953: Werke von 1909–1924, July 7–September 2, 1962. Preface by Jean-Jacques Lebel.

Wallraf-Richartz-Museum, Cologne. Europäische Kunst 1912: Zum 50. Jahrestag der Ausstellung des

“Sonderbundes westdeutscher Kunstfreunde und Künstler” in Köln, September 12–December 9,1962.

National Museum of Modern Art/INBA, Mexico City. Cien años de pintura in France, from 1850 to

our days, October–November 1962; Museo de Bellas Artes de Caracas, December 1962–

February 1963 (separate catalogues).

Il Bilico, Roma. I maestri Dada: Picabia, Schwitters, Yanko, and objects by Lawrence Vail, October 4–14, 1962.

Circle Gallery,Paris. Collages and Objects, October 24–November 17, 1962.

Rose Fried Gallery,New York. Modern Masters, November 20–December?, 1962 (no catalog).


Edgardo Acosta Gallery,Los Angeles. Some Aspects of Surrealism, 1963 (no catalog).

André Francois Petit Gallery, Paris. Hans Bellmer, Salvador Dalí, Max Ernst, René Magritte, Francis

Picabia, Yves Tanguy, 1963.

The Alan Gallery, New York. Duchamp, Picabia, Schwitters, January 7–February 2, 1963.

Goucher College,Towson, Maryland. Selections from the collection of Mrs. Henry Epstein,

January 13–February 13, 1963.

Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Utica, New York. 1913 Armory Show; 50th Anniversary

Exhibition 1963, February 17–March 3; Armory of the 69th Regiment, New York, April 6–28, 1963.

Whitney Museum of American Art,New York. The Decade of the Armory Show: New Directions

in American Art 1910–1920, February 27–April 14; City Art Museum, Saint Louis, June 1–July 14;

Cleveland Museum of Art, August 6–September 15; Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, Philadelphia,

September 30–October 30; Art Institute of Chicago, November 15–December 29, 1963; Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, January 20–February 23, 1964. Text by Lloyd Goodrich.

Tate Gallery, London. Private Views: Works from the collections of twenty Friends of the Tate Gallery,

April 18–May 19, 1963.

Rohan Castle, Strasbourg. The Great Adventure of Twentieth-Century Art, June 8–September 15, 1963.

Museum of painting and sculpture, Grenoble. Albert Gleizes and storm in the salons 1910–1914,

June 19–August 31, 1963.

Grandelle Palace,Besancon. 1925, Movement of arts and ideas, origins and repercussions, July 5–September 22, 1963.

Philadelphia Museum of Art. Philadelphia Collects 20th Century, October 3–November 17, 1963.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,New York. 20th Century Master Drawings, November 6, 1963–

January 5, 1964; University Gallery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, February 3–March 15;

Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, April 6–May 24, 1964.

Moderna Museum, Stockholm. Onskmuseum; The museum of our wishes; Our museum as it should be; Museum unserer Wünsche, December 26, 1963–February 16, 1964.


Charpentier Gallery,Paris. Surrealism: Sources, History, Affinities, 1964.

Museum of Art and Industry, Saint-Étienne.Fifty years of “collages”: Glued papers, assemblages, collages, from Cubism to the present day, 1964.

Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna, Torino. 80 Pittori da Renoir a Kisling: Modern Art Foundation, Oscar Ghez – Geneva, February 7–April 5, 1964.

Hatton Gallery, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Francis Picabia, March; Institute of Contemporary Arts,

London, April 1964. Introduction by Ronald Hunt.

Washington Gallery of Modern Art, Washington. Treasures of 20th Century Art from The Maremont

Collection at the Washington Gallery of Modern Art, April 1–May 3, [1964].

Kresge Art Center Gallery,Michigan State University, East Lansing. The Turn of the Century,

April 10–May 4, 1964.

Gallery Schwarz,Milano. Picabia, May 5–June 1, 1964

Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent. Figuratie, defiguratie: de menselijke figur sedert Picasso,

July 10–October 4, 1964.

The Baltimore Museum of Art. 1914: An Exhibition of Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture created in 1914, October 6–November 15, 1964.


Mendel Art Gallery and Civic Conservatory,Saskatoon, Canada. The Mendel Collection: Opening Exhibition, October 16–November 13, 1964.

Gallery Schwarz, Milano. 1908–1928, October 17–?, 1964.

Leonard Hutton Galleries,New York. Albert Gleizes and the Section d'Or, October 28–December 5, 1964.

Furstenberg Gallery, Paris. Francis Picabia 1879–1953, November 4–December 5, 1964.

Louis Carré Gallery, Paris. Masterpiece of the month: Francis Picabia, Châpeau de Paille?, 1921,

[November 4–December 4], 1964. Introduction by Georges Auric.

Tate Gallery, London. The Peggy Guggenheim Collection, December 31, 1964–March 7, 1965.

Introduction by Peggy Guggenheim.


Culture House, Bourges. Treasures from the museums of Nevers, 1965.

City of Paris Museum of Modern Art.Un Groupe 1965, 1965. Preface by André Chastel.

Jacquemart-André Museum, Paris. Jean Cocteau and his times, 1965. Introduction by Julien Cain,

catalog by Pierre Georgel.

Palace of Fine Arts,Lille. Apollinaire and Cubism, April 3–May 4, 1965.

Stadtische Kunsthalle,Recklinghausen. Report. Manifest. Protest im 20. Jahrhundert, June 12–

July 26, 1965. Catalog by Anneliese Schröder.

Jean Larcade, Paris. Pop Por Pop Corn Corny, June 29–August 14, 1965.

modern art gallery, Basle. Aspekte des Surrealismus 1924–, July 17–October 23, 1965.

Dorsky Gallery, New York. A Collector's Choice: XIX & XX Century Paintings and Drawings,

September 21–October 16, 1965; University of Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut, January 4–February 5, 1966.

Paris Gallery,Paris. La Cage aux Fauves at the Salon d'Automne 1905, October 12–November 6, 1965.

The Museum of Fine Arts,Houston. The Heroic Years: Paris 1908–1914, October 20–December 8,


eye gallery,Paris. L'Écart absolu (XI International Exhibition of Surrealism), December 1965. Text by André Breton.


Various venues,Europe. Dada 1916–1966: Documents of the international Dada movement;

An exhibition by the Goethe-Institut zur Pflege deutsche Sprache und Kultur im Ausland eV,

München, 1966–67 (with several other catalogues).

Moderna Museum, Stockholm. Dada, February 3–March 27, 1966.

The Krugier and Co. Gallery,Geneva. Dada, February 17–March 30, 1966.

Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Harbingers of Surrealism, [February 26–March 27], 1966.

The Art Gallery, University of California,Santa Barbara. Surrealism: A State of Mind 1924–1965,

February 26–March 27, 1966.

M. Knoedler and Co., Inc., New York. Seven Decades: 1895–1965, Crosscurrents in Modern Art;

Section 1905–1914 (exhibition at ten New York galleries for the benefit of the Public Education Association of the City of New York), April 26– May 21, 1966.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Gauguin and the Decorative Style, [June 23–

October 23], 1966 (no catalog).

Civico Padiglione d'Arte Contemporanea, Milano. Fifty'anni a Dada; Dada in Italy 1916–1966,

June 24–September 30, 1966.

Galleria la Polena, Genoa. Mostra number 43, July 10–July 30, 1966.

Annmary Brown Memorial, Brown University, and Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design,

Providence. Herbert and Nannette Rothschild Collection, October 7–November 6, 1966.

Kunsthaus Zurich. Dada, October 8–November 17, 1966; National Museum of Modern Art, Paris,

November 30, 1966–January 30, 1967. Catalog by Yves Lieussou, Felix Andreas Baumann, and

Michael Hoog.

Kunsthalle, Berne. Phantastische Kunst: Surrealismus, October 21–December 4, 1966.

Gmurzynska Gallery, Cologne. Traum und Wirklichkeit, November 18, 1966–January 15, 1967.

Tel Aviv Museum, H. Rubinstein Pavilion. Surrealism, December 1966–January 1967.


Exeter City Gallery. The Enchanted Domain: Surrealist Art at Exeter City Gallery and Exe Gallery

1967, 1967.

Sidney Janis Gallery, New York. 2 Generations, January 3–27, 1967.

Stadtisches Museum Schloss Morsbroich Leverkusen, Germany. Picabia, February 7–April 2,

1967; Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, Netherlands, April 21–June 4, 1967 (separate

catalog). Texts by multiple authors.

Kunsthaus Zurich.Spektrum der Farbe: Eine Zürcher Privatsammlung, March 9–April 23, 1967.

Preface by Max H. Welti.


Kaplan Gallery,London. Recent Acquisitions: French Impressionist Paintings, April 12–May 27,1967.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Museum Collection, Seven Decades. At Selection,

[June 28–October 1], 1967.

Tthe Metropolitan Museum of Art,New York. Drawings from the Alfred Stieglitz Collection,

September 9–November 12, 1967 (typed checklist only).

Albright-Knox Art Gallery,Buffalo. Painters of the Section d'Or: The Alternatives to Cubism,

September 27–October 22, 1967.

Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna, Torino. The Worried Muse: Maestri del Surrealismo,

November 1967–January 1968.

Kunstmuseum Basel. Sammlung Marguerite Arp-Hagenbach, November 4, 1967–January 7, 1968.

Catalog by Carlo Huber and Susanne Meyer.


National Gallery of Art,Washington. Painting in France 1900–1967: A Loan Exhibition Organized

by the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the National Museum of Modern Art, Paris; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; The Art Institute of Chicago; M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, San Francisco, 1968.

Albright Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo. Plus by Minus: Today's Half Century, March 3–April 14, 1968.

Palace of Fine Arts, Brussels. 40 years of Living Art: Tribute to Robert Giron / 40 jaar levende

kunst: Hulde aan Robert Giron, March 6–April 12, 1968.

Society of Independent Artists,Paris. Catalog of the 79th exhibition (Retrospective 1905–

1909), March 22–April 15, 1968.

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Dada, Surrealism and Their Heritage, March 27–June 9;

Los Angeles County Museum of Art, July 16–September 8; The Art Institute of Chicago,

October 19–December 8, 1968. Catalog by William S. Rubin.

Frankfurter Kunstverein,Frankfurt. Collagen aus sechs Jahrzehnten, April 6–May 19, 1968.

City of Strasbourg. Art in Europe around 1918, May 8–September 15, 1968.

National Gallery of Art, Washington. Paintings from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo,

New York, May 19–July 21, 1968.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,New York. Rousseau, Redon and Fantasy, May 31–September 8,1968.

municipal casino,Knokke-Le Zoute-Albert Beach, Belgium. Schatten van het Surrealism / Treasures

of Surrealism, XXI Belgian Summer Festival, June–September 1968. Catalog by Patrick Waldberg.

KunstgewerbemuseumZurich. Collagen: Die Geschichte der Collage, June 8–August 18, 1968.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. New York Collects, July 3–September 2, 1968.

Robert Elkon Gallery,New York. New Acquisitions, September 28–October 24, 1968.

Institute of Contemporary Arts,London. Guillaume Apollinaire 1880–1918: A Celebration 1968, November; [Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, December 1968; City Art Gallery, Bristol, January 1969].

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. The Machine as Seen at the End of the Mechanical Age, November 25, 1968–February 9, 1969;

University of Saint Thomas, Houston, March 25–May 18; San Francisco Museum of Art, June 23–

August 24, 1969. Catalog by KG Pontus Hultén.


Sydney Janis Gallery,New York. European XXth Century Artists, January 8–February 1, 1969.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,New York. Works from the Peggy Guggenheim Foundation,

[January 15–March 23], 1969.

Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels. 10 recent acquisitions, February 5– March 23, 1969.

Kunstverein in Hamburg. Malerei des Surrealismus von den Anfängen bis heute, April 12–May 26, 1969.

Culan Castle, Culan (France). Fantastic Art and Surrealism, June 1–September 15, 1969.

Notice, Torino. Picabia, operated from 1917 to 1950, October 10–November 15, 1969. Text by Maurizio


National Museum of Bellas Artes,Buenos Aires. 109 obras from Albright-Knox Art Gallery, October 23–

November 30, 1969.

Macy's, New York. Galleria Schwarz at Macy's, New York, November 24–December 14, 1969.

New York Cultural Center,New York, in association with Fairleigh Dickenson University. A Selection of Drawings, Pastels and Watercolors from the Collection of Mr. & Mrs. Lester Francis

Avnet, December 9, 1969–January 25, 1970.


The Museum of Modern Art,New York. Four Americans in Paris: The Collections of Gertrude Stein

and her Family, 1970.

Sidney Janis Gallery, New York. String & Rope, [January 7–31], 1970.

Sidney Janis Gallery, New York. 20th Century European Art, February 4–March 7, 1970.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,New York. Selections from the Guggenheim Museum Collection, 1900–1970, May 1–September 13, 1970.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Francis Picabia, September 17–December 6, 1970;

Cincinnati Art Museum, January 6–February 7, 1971; Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, February 26–

April 4, 1971; The Detroit Institute of Arts, May 4– June 27, 1971. Text and catalog by William



Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The Cubist Epoch, [December 15, 1970–February 21, 1971];

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, [April 7–June 7, 1971]. Accompanying book by

Douglas Cooper.


The Medusa, Roma. Maestri Europei, Spring 1971.


Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Fla. French Impressionists Influence

American Artists, March 19–April 25, 1971.

Palace of Fine Arts, Brussels. Metamorphosis of the Object: Art and Anti-Art 1910–1970, April 22–June 6,

1971; also Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen, Rotterdam; Nationalgalerie, Berlin; Palazzo Reale, Milan; Kunsthalle, Basel; Museum of Decorative Arts, Paris, no dates listed.

Fine Arts Gallery, Burgundy. Surrealism, May 2–September 1, 1971.

Cultureel Centrum Burgemeester A. Spinoy, Mechelen / Mechelen, Belgium. De menselijke figure

in de kunst 1910–1960, September–November 1971.

Robert Elkon Gallery, New York. Twentieth Century Masters, October 2–November 4, 1971.

Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego. Color & Form 1909–1914, November 20, 1971–January 2, 1972;

The Oakland Museum, Oakland, January 25–March 5; Seattle Art Museum, March 24–May 7,



Haus der Kunst,Munich. Der Surrealismus 1922–1942, March 11–May 7, 1972; Museum of

Decorative Arts, Paris, June 9–September 24, 1972 (separate catalogue). Catalog by Patrick


Palazzo dell'Academia, Palazzo Reale, Genoa. Imagine per la citta', April 8–June 11, 1972.

The Drawing Room, Princeton, New Jersey. Oils, Water-colours and Drawings from the

16th Century to the 20th Century, April 12–May 5, 1972.

Gallery Schwarz, Milano. Francis Picabia, June 6–September 16, 1972. Text by William A. Camfield.

Decorative Arts Museum, Paris. Surrealism 1922–1942, June 9–September 24, 1972. Catalog

by Patrick Waldberg. See also Haus der Kunst, Munich, 1972.

Museo Correr, Venice (Biennale). Capolavori della pittura del XX secolo, 1900/1945, June 11–

October 1, 1972.

The Detroit Institute of Arts, Michigan. Selections from the Lydia and Harry Lewis Winston Collection

(Dr. and Mrs. Barnett Malbin), July 18, 1972– April 20, 1973. Checklist with introduction by

Frederick J. Cummings.

Museum of Contemporary Art,Chicago. Modern Masters from Chicago Collections, September 8–

October 22, 1972.

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Philadelphia in New York: 90 Modern Works from

the Philadelphia Museum of Art, October 18, 1972– January 7, 1973.

Michael Hasenclever, Munich. Pictures and Zeichnungen 1915–1935, November 1972.


William Benton Museum of Art,University of Connecticut, Storrs. A Handbook of Twentieth

century art to accompany the exhibition, Selections from the NYU Art Collection, March 12–April 15,


Gallery of Fine Arts, Bordeaux. The Cubists, May 4–September 1; Modern Art Museum of the

City of Paris, September 26–November 10, 1973.

Rathe Museum,Cabinet des Estampes, Geneva. 20th Century Art: Geneva Collections, June 28–

September 23, 1973.

Parrish Art Museum, Southampton, New York. From Southampton Collections, August 4–September 2, 1973.

Guild Hall, East Hampton, New York. Flowers, August 18–September 9, 1973.

Sidney Janis Gallery, New York. 25 Years of Janis: Part I, From Picasso to Dubuffet; from Brancusi to

Giacometti, October 2–November 3, 1973.

Seine Gallery, Paris. Phantom Collection, October 18–December 1, 1973.

Louvre Museum, Paris. French drawings from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. From David

to Picasso, October 25, 1973–January 7, 1974.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Futurism, A Modern Focus: The Lydia and Harry

Lewis Winston Collection, Dr. and Mrs. Barnett Malbin, November 16, 1973–February 3, 1974.

Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus, Munich. New York Dada: Duchamp, Man Ray, Picabia,

December 15, 1973–January 27, 1974; Kunsthalle Tübingen, March 9–April 28, 1974. Catalog by

Arthur Schwarz.

Moderna galleryZagreb (and other European venues, catalogues, 1973–74). Od Bonnarda do Soulagesa/De Bonnard à Soulages: Osamdeset godina francuskog slikarstva, January–February 1974.


The Washhouse Boat, Paris. Painting and its Double: Writings by Painters, February 22–?, 1974.

National Fund for Historic Monuments and Sites, Paris. The Germaine Henry Collection

Robert Thomas: 19th–20th Century Paintings, Sculptures and Works of Art, February 26–June 2, 1974.

Castle of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie,France. Aspects of Surrealism: Paintings, Sculptures, Objects,

Documents, July 14–October 1, 1974.

The Detroit Institute of Arts. Cobra and Contrasts: The Lydia and Harry Lewis Winston Collection,

Dr. and Mrs. Barnett Malbin, September 25–November 17, 1974.

Gallery Schwarz, Milano. Picabia: The Chicken Coop, October 1974. Text by William A. Camfield.

National Museum of Modern Art, Paris. Drawings from the National Museum of Modern Art 1890–1945,

November 22, 1974–January 20, 1975.

Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna, Torino. Francis Picabia: mezzo secolo di avanguardia, November 28,

1974–February 2, 1975. Catalog by Maurizio Fagiolo dell'Arco.

Tuileries Orangery, Paris. Twentieth-Century Art: Peggy Guggenheim Foundation, Venice, November 30, 1974–March 3, 1975.

Gallery Gissi, Torino. Protagonisti del XX Secolo: Anno 2, December 1974–January 1975.

Stadtische KunsthalleDusseldorf. Surrealität – Bildrealität, 1924–1974: In den unzähligen Bildern

of the Lebens. . . , December 8, 1974–February 2, 1975; Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, February 14–April 20, 1975.


Kunsthalle, Bern. Junggesellenmaschinen / The Single Machines, July 4–August 17, 1975;

Palace of Fine Arts, Brussels, December 16, 1975–January 18, 1976; Stadische Kunsthalle,

Düsseldorf, February 17–March 28; Museum of Decorative Arts, Paris, April 28–July 5; Museum of

Man and Industry, Le Creusot; Konsthall, Malmo, September–October 18; Stedelijk Museum,

Amsterdam, November 18, 1976–January 2, 1977; Museum des 20. Jahrhunderts, Vienna,

February 2–March 6, 1977. Texts by multiple authors.

Francoise Tournié Gallery, Paris. New-York Dada: Paintings, Sculptures, Objects, Documents, July 14–

October 1, 1975.

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Modern Paintings: 1900 to the Present, July 15– September 14, 1975 (checklist only).


National Galleries of the Grand Palais(National Center of Art and Culture Georges Pompidou, National Museum of Modern Art), Paris. Francis Picabia, January 23–March 29, 1976. Curated by Pontus Hultén, Jean-Hubert Martin and Hélène Seckel; texts by multiple authors.

The Vancouver Art Gallery. The Seattle Art Museum Lends, March 13–April 11, 1976.

Wildenstein, New York. Modern Portraits: The Self & Others, October 20–November 28, 1976.


National Center of Art and Culture Georges Pompidou,National Museum of Modern Art, Paris.

Acquisitions of the Graphic Arts Cabinet, 1971–1976, January 31–March 28, 1977. Catalog by Pierre Georgel.

Gray Art Gallery and StudyCenter, New York University. Drawing and Collage: Selections from

The New York University Art Collection, June 1–July 1, 1977.

National Museum of Modern Art, Center Georges Pompidou, Paris. Paris–New York, June 1–

September 19, 1977.

Palace of Fine Arts,Brussels. Twentieth Century Art / Kunst van de Twintigste Eeuw / Art of the

Twentieth Century, July 14–September 4, 1977.

Neue Nationalgalerie,Akademie der Künste, and Großen Orangerie des Schlosses Charlottenburg,

Berlin. Tendenzen der Zwanziger Jahre, 15. Europäische Kunstausstellung, August 14– October 16, 1977. See also Städtische Galerie, Frankfurt, 1977–78 (reduced version).

Villa Malpensata, Lugano. Alter ego: pittori-scrittori, scrittori-pittori. September–December 1977.

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Modern American Painting 1910–1940: Toward a New

Perspective, July 1–September 25, 1977. Catalog by William C. Agee.

Marzona Gallery,Dusseldorf. Francis Picabia, November 1977.

Multiple Turns 77, Towers. Proposal for a definition of a contemporary fantastic art,

November 5–December 2, 1977.

Städtische Galerie im Städelschen Kunstinstitut,Frankfurt am Main. DaDa in Europa: Werke und

Document, November 10, 1977–January 8, 1978.

Reduced version of Neuen Nationalgalerie. . . , Berlin, 1977.

Sydney Janis Gallery,New York. XXth Century French Art, December 14, 1976–February 7, 1977

(no catalog).


Hayward Gallery(Arts Council of Great Britain), London. Dada and Surrealism Reviewed,

January 11–March 27, 1978. Catalog by Dawn Ades.

Dallas Museum of Fine Arts. Dallas Collects: Impressionists and Early Modern Masters,

January 24–February 26, 1978.

National Galleries of the Grand Palais, Paris. Modern art in provincial museums, February 3–

April 24, 1978.

The University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City. Dada Artifacts, March 31–May 7, 1978.

Pierre Belfond Gallery,Paris. Around Francis Picabia, April 12–May 13, 1978.

Ixelles Museum, Brussels. Tribute to / Hulde aan Max Janlet, April 14–June 25, 1978.

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. A Treasury of Modern Drawing: The Joan and Lester Avnet

Collection in the Museum of Modern Art, [April 28–July 4], 1978. Catalog by William S. Lieberman.

Paris Market Hall Forum. Paris, Homeland of Painters: 150 Masterpieces from Renoir to Today

evoke a century of history through the artistic cafés of Montmartre in Montparnasse, June 12–

July 16, 1978.

Georges Pompidou National Center for Art and Culture, Paris. Paris–Berlin, 1900–1933, July 12–

November 6, 1978.

Olin Gallery,Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington. School of Paris: The Twentieth Century, December 3, 1978–January 28, 1979.


Society of Independent Artists, Paris. Gold of the Roaring Twenties, 1918–1930, February 8–March 5, 1979.

Georges Pompidou National Center for Art and Culture, Paris. Paris–Moscow 1900–1930, May 31–

November 5, 1979. Chief curator Pontus Hultén; texts by multiple authors.

Whitney Museum of American Art, Downtown Branch,New York. Dada and New York, May 31–

July 6, 1979.

The Cleveland Museum of Art.The Spirit of Surrealism, October 3–November 25, 1979.

Palazzo Reale,Milano. Origini dell'astrattismo verso altri orizzonti del reale (1885–1919), October 18,

1979–January 18, 1980.

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Art of theTwenties, [November 14], 1979–[January 22, 1980].


Gallery La Medusa, Roma. Opera su carta, January 15–?, 1980. The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Four recently discovered Picabias and other modern master acquisitions, January 25–March 4, 1980 (no catalogue).

Waddington Galleries, London. Groups III, February 5–March 1, 1980.

Tate Gallery, London. Abstraction: Towards a New Art, Painting 1910–20, February 6–April 13, 1980.

Museum of Fine Arts of Calais. New Realities 1946–1956: An Anthology by Henry Lhotellier,

February 9–April 8, 1980.

Kunstmuseum Winterthur, Switzerland. “Rot konstruiert” und “Super Table”: Eine Schweizer

Sammlung moderner Kunst, 1909–1939, March 2–April 13; Kestner-Gesellschaft Hannover, April 25–

June 8; Wilhelm Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, June 29–August 17, 1980.

Michael Werner Gallery, Cologne. Francis Picabia, March 14–April 15; Springer Gallery, Berlin,

April 18–May 17; Neuendorf Gallery, Hamburg, May 20–June 20; Fred Jahn, Munich, June 24–

July 23, 1980. Text by Schuldt.

Bourdelle Museum, Paris. Hats off!, May 28–September, 1980.

Annely Juda Fine Art, London. Abstraction 1910–1940, July 1–September 27, 1980.

Castle of Saint-Cirq-Lapopie,France. F. Picabia, July 5–September 5, 1980 (no catalog).

Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi, Tokyo. Apollinaire and His Painter Friends, August 12–24; Osaka Mitsukoshi, August 30–September 7; Niitaga Mitsukoshi, September 10–22; Sapporo Misukoshi, September 30–October 5, 1980. See also Grand Palais, Paris, 1980, and Galleria Nationale d'Arte Moderna, Rome, 1980–81.

National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. 20th Century Art, August 19–October 5; National Museum of Art

Modern, Kyoto, October 17–November 24, 1980.

National Gallery of Art Washington. The Morton G. Neumann Family Collection: Selected Works, 2 vols., August 31–December 31, 1980.

Palagio di Parte Guelfa, Florence. Umanesimo, Disumanesimo nell'arte europea 1890/1980,

September 20–November 20, 1980.

National Gallery of Modern Art,New Delhi. Modern Masterpieces from the Philadelphia Museum

of Art, October 9–November 30, 1980.

Philadelphia Museum of Art. Futurism and the International Avant-Garde, October 26, 1980–

January 4, 1981.

Grand Palais, Paris (Salon d'Automne).Apollinaire and the painters, November 1980. See also

Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi, Tokyo, 1980, and Galleria Nationale d'Arte Moderna, Rome, 1980–81.

Museum of Contemporary Art in Caracas, Venezuela. El Espíritu Dada 1915/1925,

November 14, 1980–January 15, 1981. Text by Arturo Schwarz.

Congress Palace, Paris. Picabia, Dandy and Herald of 20th Century Art, November 27, 1980–January 2, 1981. Texts by Georges Mathieu and Maria Lluïsa Borràs.

National Gallery of Modern Art,Rome. Apollinaire e l'avanguardia, November 30, 1980–

January 4, 1981. See also Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi, Tokyo, and Grand Palais, Paris, 1980.

nineteen eighty one

Sprovieri, Rome. L'Imagine stordita, nineteen eighty one; Zwirner, Cologne, 1981. Catalog by Achille Bonito Oliva


Artcurial, Paris. At the time of “Boeuf sur le Toit, 1918–1928, May–July 1981.

National Museum of Modern Art, Center Georges Pompidou, Paris. Paris–Paris, 1937–1957, May 28–

November 2, 1981.

Museen der Stadt,Köln. Westkunst: Zeitgenössische Kunst seit 1939, May 30–August 16, 1981. Catalog by Laszlo Glozer and others.

Jade Gallery, Colmar. Picabia, July 7–September 5, 1981 (catalog no).

Galleria d'Arte Niccoli, Parma. Francis Picabia, October 5–?, 1981.

Kasper Pro Art Gallery, Morges, Switzerland. Picabia Francis, 1879–1953, drawings, October 24–

November 21, 1981 (for which see Gazette Galerie Pro Arte, no. 89, November 1981).

Daniel Malingue Gallery, Paris. Impressionist and Modern Masters, November 7–December 12, 1981.

Gallery 1900–2000, Paris. Paris–Hollywood, December 1981–January 1982.

Saqqara Gallery,Gstaad. Major Works, December 28, 1981–March 14, 1982 (no catalog?).


British Museum, London. A Century of Modern Drawing from The Museum of Modern Art New York,


Campidoglio Pinacoteca Capitolina, Roma. Guggenheim Venezia–New York: Sessanta operates

1900–1950, January 23–March 28, 1982.

Barbican Art Gallery, London. Aftermath: France 1945–54, New Images of Man, March 3–June 13,

1982; Louisiana Museum, Humlebӕk, Denmark

Richard Gray Gallery, Chicago. Picabia: Paintings and Drawings, 1913–1922, March 12–April 10; Adler/Castillo, New York, April 24–May 29, 1982. Text by William A. Camfield.

The Tel Aviv Museum.Masters of Modern Art; Impressionists, Post-Impressionists and Twentieth-

Century Artists: Private Collectors Salute the Tel Aviv Museum, May 24–September 9, 1982.

Georges Pompidou Center, National Museum of Art Moderne, Paris. Paul Éluard and his painter friends,

1895–1952, November 4, 1982–January 17, 1983.

Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston. Art & Dance: Images of the Modern Dialogue, 1890–1980,

November 9, 1982–January 8, 1983; Toledo Museum of Art, March 6–April 24, 1983. See also Neuberger Museum, Purchase, 1983.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. 60 Works: The Peggy Guggenheim Collection,

[November 18], 1982–[March 13, 1983].


Waddington Galleries, London. Groups IV, February 2–26, 1983.

Paul Vallotton Gallery, Lausanne. Swiss and French masters of the 19th and 20th centuries, March 24–April 30, 1983.

Schlégl Gallery,Zurich. Geometrische Abstraktion, May 14–July 2, 1983.

Ixelles Museum, Brussels. Picabia 1879–1953, May 27–August 7, 1983. Curated by Solange A. de

Turenne and Pierre Calté, texts by multiple authors.

Palazzo Reale, Milano. Jarry and the Patafisica: Arte, Letteratura, Spettacolo, May 27–August 20, 1983.

Neuberger Museum, Purchase, New York. Art and Dance, June 26–September 25, 1983 (added venue: see Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, 1982).

St. James Church, Lisieux. Lisieux Museums: 150 years of acquisitions, July 6–October 3, 1983.

Hooks-Epstein Galleries, Inc., Houston. Surrealism: Another Reality, September 10–October 20, 1983.

Mary Boone - Michael Werner, New York. Francis Picabia, September 10–October 22, 1983. Text by

Robert Rosenblum.

Gallery 1900–2000, Paris. Half-Stock Almanac 1905–1983, September 27–October 28, 1983.

Schellmann & Kluser,Munich. David Salle / Francis Picabia, September 29–October 30, 1983.

Text by Ingrid Rein. Stadtische Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf. Francis Picabia, October 29–December 4, 1983. Curated by Jürgen

Harten and Marianne Heinz;catalog by Heinz, text by Schuldt. Corrected catalog, used here:

Kunsthaus Zürich, February 3–March 25, 1984. See also Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 1984.

Gray Art Gallery,New York University, New York. The Permanent Collection: Highlights and Recent

Acquisitions, November 8–December 10, 1983 (catalog no).

City of Paris Museum of Modern Art. Electra: Electricity and Electronics in Twentieth-Century Art, December 10, 1983–February 5, 1984. Introduction by Frank Popper.


Graphic Sammlung Staatsgalerie Stuttgart.Meisterwerke aus der Graphischen Sammlung:

Zeichnungen des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, March 10–June 10, 1984.

Artcurial, Paris. Another Art / Another Art, April–July 1984.

Moderna Museum,Stockholm. Francis Picabia, April 7–May 20, 1984. Curated by Olle Granath and

Nina Ohman; text by Ulf Linde.

Society of Independent Artists,Paris. Centenary of the Society of Independent Artists

1884–1984, April 8–May 2, 1984.

National Galleries of the Grand Palais, Paris. Rhyme and Reason: The Ménil Collections (Houston–

New York), April 17–July 30, 1984.

Daniel Malingue Gallery, Paris. Impressionist and Modern Masters, April 26–June 9, 1984.

Nassau County Museum of Fine Art, Roslyn Harbor, New York. The Shock of Modernism in

America: The Eight and Artists of the Armory Show, April 29–July 29, 1984.

Paris Art Center, Paris. Carte blanche to Denise René: Geometric and Kinetic Adventure, May 16–July 28, 1984.

Gray Art Gallery and Study Center, New York University, New York. Cocteau Generations: Spirit of

the French Avant-Garde, May 17–June 23; Center for the Fine Arts, Miami, July 14–September 7; Archer M. Huntington Art Gallery, University of Texas, Austin, October 7–November 25, 1984.

Kunsthaus Zurich. Meisterwerke aus der Graphischen Sammlung: Zeichnungen, Watercolour,

Pastelle, Collagen aus fünf Jahrhunderten, May 30–July 15, 1984.

The Venice Biennale, Venice. XLI Esposizione Internationale d'Arte: Visual Arts General Catalog

1984; Giardini de Castello, Arte allo Specchio, June 10–September 9, 1984.

ACAP Art Gallery, Le Touquet, France. Francis Picabia, July 14–August 8, 1984.

Galleria Civica, Campione d'Italia. Viaggio Surrealista, July 21–October 7, 1984.

The Museum of Modern Art, Seibu Takanawa. Francis Picabia, July 21–September 5; The Seibu

Museum of Art, Tokyo, September 9–October 21, 1984. Curated by Solange Auzias de Turenne and

Pierre Calte.

Annely Juda Fine Art, London. Dada–Constructivism: The Janus Face of the Twenties, September 26–December 15, 1984.

Gallery 1900–2000, Paris. RetroSport 1850–1940, October 19–December 1, 1984.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. In the Mind's Eye: Dada and Surrealism, December 1, 1984–January 27, 1985. Edited by Terry Ann R. Neff.


Salas Pablo Ruiz Picasso del Ministerio de Cultura,Madrid. Francis Picabia, Exposición antológica,

January 29–March 31; Caixa de Pensions Cultural Center, Barcelona, April 15–May 26, 1985.

Curated by Solange Auzias de Turenne and Pierre Calté.

Artcurial, Paris. The Catalan Wedding: Barcelona–Paris, 1870–1970, May–July 1985.

MNational Museum of Western Art, Tokyo. Pointillism Exhibition, April 6–May 26; Museum

Municipal Art, Kyoto, June 4–July 14, 1985.

Kettle’s Yard Gallery,University of Cambridge. Pound's Artists: Ezra Pound and the Visual Arts in

London, Paris and Italy, June 14–August 4; The Tate Gallery, London, September 11–November 10, 1985.

Nicola Jacobs Gallery,London. Horses in Twentieth Century Art, June 26–August 31, 1985.

Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. Vom Klang der Bilder: Die Musik in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts, July 6–

September 22, 1985.

Barbara Mathes Gallery,New York. Mabel Dodge: The Salon Years 1912–1917, September 28–

November 2, 1985.

Hayward Gallery, London. Homage to Barcelona: The city and its art, 1888–1936, November 14, 1985–February 23, 1986.

Malmaison Fairs, Rods. Women . . . Portraits and Nudes, December 14, 1985– February 9, 1986.


The Venice Biennale, Venice. Arte e alchimia, 1986.

Studio Marconi,Milano. Picabia, Opera 1898–1951, February–March, 1986. Curated by Enrico Baj.

Gallery 1900–2000, Paris. Abstract continent, surreal continent, February 18–March 30, 1986.

Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt. Die Maler und das Theater im 20. Jahrhundert, March 1–May 19, 1986.

Society of Independent Artists, Paris. Body and Soul Woman, April 5–April 27, 1986.

Old Charity Center, Marseilles. The Crazed Planet: Surrealism Dispersion and Influences 1938–

1947, April 12–June 30, 1986.

Artcurial, Paris. The Surrealist Adventure around André Breton, May–August, 1986. Catalog by

José Pierre, preface by Robert Lebel.

Palazzo Grassi, Venice. Futurismi: Futurism & Futurisms, May 4–October 12, 1986 (English

editing). Organized by Pontus Hultén; texts by multiple authors.

Stiftung Hans Arp and Sophie Taeuber, Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen. Hans Arp zum 100. Geburtstag (1886–1966): ein Lese- und Bilderbuch, May 25–August 20; Kunsthaus Zurich,

July 5–September 7; Galerie K. Walter Buchebner Gesellschaft Stadt Kindberg, October 24–

November 22, 1986.

Museum of Melun,France. Painters between Seine and Loing, May 30–June 29, 1986.

Cahors Museum(Lot Center for Contemporary Arts). Changing the View: André Breton and the Surrealist Revolution of the Gaze, July–August 1986.

Nimes Museum of Fine Arts. Francis Picabia, July 11–September 30, 1986. Curated by Solange

Auzias de Turenne, Robert Calle, Pierre Calté and Chantal Creste; texts by multiple authors.

The Museum of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, Florida. Costas Lemonopoulos Collection, July 25–

September 7, 1986.

The Arts Club of Chicago. Portrait of an Era: Rue Winterbotham Carpenter and the Arts Club of

Chicago 1916–1931, September 15–November 1, 1986.

Zacheta Gallery, Warsaw. 4 x Paryz: Paris in four stages, October 15, 1986–January 12, 1987.

The Brooklyn Museum, New York. The Machine Age in America 1918–1941, October 17, 1986–

February 16, 1987; Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, April 4–June 28; Los Angeles County Museum

of Art, August 16–October 18, 1987; The High Museum of Art, Atlanta, December 1, 1987–

February 14, 1988.

Autumn Fair, Paris. The Great Montparnasse Adventure 1912–1932; Tribute to the painters witnesses of their time; Contemporary Art, November 7–23, 1986.

Neuer Berliner Kunstverein,Berlin. Androgyn: Sehnsucht nach Vollkommenheit, November 17,

1986–January 4, 1987; Kunstverein Hanover, February 7–April 12, 1987.

Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The Spiritual in Art: Abstract Painting 1890–1985, November 23,

1986–March 8, 1987; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, April 17–July 19, 1987; Haags

Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, September 1– November 22, 1987.


Museum for Gestaltung, Zurich. The New Spirit: Le Corbusier and Industry 1920–1925,

[March 28–May 10; Bauhaus-Archiv, Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin, May 23–June 21; Museums of

City of Strasbourg, Former Customs, July 11– September 13; Swiss Cultural Center, Paris,

September 29–October 31], 1987.

Artcurial, Paris. Tribute to President Georges Pompidou, a man of culture, April 1987.

Gallery 1900–2000,Paris. Rainbow, Francis Picabia, April 6–May 16, 1987.

Wallonia-Brussels Center in Paris. The Museum of Ixelles in Paris, June 5–August 30, 1987.

Neuendorf Gallery,Frankfurt. Catalog 1987, June 29–August 31, 1987.

Winnipeg Art Gallery.1912: Break up of tradition / Traditions et ruptures, August 7–October 4, 1987.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Fifty Years of Collecting: An Anniversary Selection.

Painting by Modern Masters, November 13, 1987– March 13, 1988.


Cantonal Museum of Fine Arts Lausanne. Woman and Surrealism, November 21, 1987–

February 2, 1988.

Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence. 1900 to Now: Modern Art from Rhode

Island Collections, [January 22–May 11], 1988.

Waddington Galleries,London. Twentieth Century Works, February 3–27, 1988.

Villa Vauban, Luxemburg. Wege zur Abstraktion: 80 Meisterwerke aus der Sammlung Thyssen-

Bornemisza, April 30–July 18; Haus der Kunst, Munich, August 13–October 9, 1988; Museum of

20. Jahrhunderts, Vienna, November 10, 1988–January 15, 1989.

Gallery Vivita1, Florence. Mini-Dada, June 9–July 29; Paris Gallery, Paris, December 3–23,

1988. Catalog by Arturo Schwarz.

Neuendorf, Frankfurt. Lagerkatalog 1988, [June 29–September 3], 1988.

Vichy Casino.The Great Masters and Dance, [July 6–September 6]; St-Jean Palace, Lyon,

[September 13–October 3]; Foyer of the Opera, Paris, [1988].

Royal Scottish Academy,Edinburgh. The Magic Mirror: Dada and Surrealism from a Private

Collection, July 30–September 4, 1988. Catalog by Elizabeth Cowling.

Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh. Picabia 1879–1953, July 30–September 4; Neuendorf Gallery, Frankfurt/ Main, September 28–November 5, 1988 (separate catalogue). Texts by multiple authors.

Municipal credit of Belgium, Brussels. 5 x 5: Patronage and municipal museums, September 23–

November 20, 1988.

Berlinische Galerie, Museum für Moderne Kunst, Photographie und Architektur, Berlin. Stationen

der Moderne: Die bedeutenden Kunstausstellungen des 20. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland, September 25, 1988–January 8, 1989.

Saint Pierre Contemporary Art Museum, Lyons. Color alone: the experience of monochrome,

October 7–December 5, 1988. Texts by numerous authors.

The Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo. Dada and Constructivism, October 8–November 13; Seibu

Tsukashin Hall, Amagasaki, November 19–December 19, 1988; The Museum of Modern Art,

Kamakura, January 5–February 12, 1989. See also Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, 1988.

Gallery Vivita 1,Florence. Francis Picabia, October 14–December 10, 1988. Organized by

Camillo and Ciotti d'Afflitto; text by Jean-Jacques Lebel.

Kawasaki City Museum. The Great Adventure of Montparnasse 1910–1930, November 1–

December 11, 1988; Kumamoto County Fine Arts Museum, January 5, 1988–

February 5, 1989; Gunma Museum of Modern Art, February 11–March 12; Ehime County Museum of Fine Arts, March 18–April 16, 1989.

Autumn Faire, Paris. Contemporary art; Treasures of the Côte d'Azur, November 4–27, 1988.

Charles and André Bailly Gallery, Paris. Inaugural Exhibition: Drawings and Paintings by Old and Modern Masters, November 16–December 23, 1988.


National Gallery of Art, Washington. Twentieth-Century Painting and Sculpture: Selections for the

Tenth Anniversary of the East Building, 1989–90. Catalog by Jeremy Strick.

exhibition center, Montreuil, France. Philippe Soupault: Magnetic Traveler,

January 8–February 28, 1989. Catalog by Serge Fauchereau.

Nationalgalerie Berlin, Staatliche Museen Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Guggenheim:

60 Meisterwerke aus der Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation in New York and Venedig, January 20–

March 19, 1989.

Waddington Galleries,London. Works on Paper, February 1–25, 1989.

Reina Sofia Art Center, Madrid. Dada y constructivismo, March 9–May 1, 1989. See also

The Seibu Museum of Art, 1988.

Museum van Hedendaagse Kunst, Gent. Open Mind (Gesloten Circuits: Circuiti Chiusi) Tribute

aan Vincent, April–June 1989.

Panicali Fine Art,New York. Francis Picabia Nudes, April–May 1989. Text by Robert Rosenblum.

Museums Ludwig Köln in den Rheinhallen der Kölner Messe, Cologne. Imagestreit: Widerspruch,

Einheit und Fragment in der Kunst seit 1960, April 8–June 28, 1989.

David Winton Bell Gallery,Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Over Here: Modernism,

The First Exile 1914–1919, April 15–May 29, 1989.

Kent Fine Art Inc.., New York. Francis Picabia: Transparencies 1924–1932, April 19–June 3, 1989.

Text by Sarah Wilson.


Didier Imbert Fine Art, Paris. Paris, Capital of the Arts, April 28–July 14, 1989.

Staatliche Kunsthalle,Baden-Baden. Jean Cocteau, May 5–July 30, 1989.

Orleans Museum of Fine Arts.Max Jacob and the Artists of His Time from Picasso to Dubuffet, June 1–September 30, 1989.

Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The Dada & Surrealist Word-Image, June 15–August 27;

Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, October 8–December 31, 1989; Kunsthalle, Frankfurt,

February 22–May 13, 1990. Catalog by Judi Freeman; contribution by John C. Welchman.

Staatliche Kunsthalle Berlin, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein. MaschinenMenschen, June 17–July 23,

1989. Texts by several authors.

Beyeler Gallery, Basle. Wege zur Abstraktion / Exploring Abstraction, July–September 1989.

Jacquemart André Museum, Paris. The Europe of the Great Masters: When They Were Young. . . 1870–

1970, September 21–November 12, 1989; Museum of Fine Arts, Palais Rohan, Strasbourg,

December 10, 1989–January 14, 1990.

Montaigne Gallery,Paris. Marcel Duchamp, Man Ray, Francis Picabia, October 3–November 23, 1989. Texts by Loïc Malle and Les Levine.


Arts Pavilion, Paris. Saint-Germain-des-Pres, 1945–1950, October 6, 1989–January 7, 1990.

Old Charity Center, Marseilles. Painting – cinema – painting, October 15, 1989–January 14,


National Museum of Modern Art,Center Georges Pompidou, Paris. Francis Picabia: Collection

Suzanne Romain, March 20–April 21, 1990 (no catalog).

K.Matsushita Foundation Museum, Osaka. Human Shape and Flower, April 1–September 30, 1990.

Levy, Madrid. Francis Picabia 1879–1953, April–May 1990.

Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney. The Readymade Boomerang: Certain Relations in

20th Century Art (The Eighth Biennale of Sydney), April 11–June 3, 1990.

Didier Imbert Fine Art, Paris. Picabia, April 27– July 13, 1990. Curated by Solange Auzias de

Turenne; texts by multiple authors.

Museum of Contemporary Art,Chicago. Toward the Future: Contemporary Art in Context, May 5–

July 1, 1990 (no catalog).

“Forum des Arts,” Hall of the Palais de la Bourse, Marseilles. Treasures of the Petit Palais in Geneva:

“from Renoir to Kisling,” June 27–October 1, 1990.

Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen,rotterdam. Zonnetafel, Dalí en omgeving, July 14–August 19,

1990 (catalog no).

Barbara Mathes Gallery, New York. Selections: Fall 1990, Autumn 1990.

Waddington Galleries,London. Francis Picabia, September 5–29, 1990.

Palazzo Grassi, Venice. Da Van Gogh to Picasso, Da Kandinsky to Pollock: Il percorso dell'arte

moderna, September 8–December 7, 1990.

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. High & Low: Modern Art and Popular Culture, October 7,

1990–January 15, 1991; The Art Institute of Chicago, February 20–May 12; Museum of

Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, June 21– September 15, 1991. Catalog by Kirk Varnedoe

and Adam Gopnik.

Daniel Malingue,Paris. Impressionist and Modern Masters, October 25–December 22, 1990.

Georges Pompidou Center, Paris. Art & Pub: Art & Publicity 1890–1990, October 31, 1990–February 25,


Fundació Joan Miro,Barcelona. Antiguitat/ modernitat en l'art del segle XX, December 13, 1990–

February 10, 1991.

National Museum of Modern Art, Center Georges Pompidou, Paris. André Breton: Convulsive Beauty, April 25–August 26, 1991. See also Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía,

Madrid, 1991.

Gmurzynska Gallery, Cologne. Malerei im Prisma: Freundeskreis Sonia and Robert Delaunay, April 29

July 26, 1991.

Mitsukoshi Art Gallery,Tokyo (and other venues). Early Masterpieces by the Old Masters

Europeans, May–September 1991.

Historical Library of the City of Paris.Apollinaire: his books, his friends, June 21–October 5,


Museum Ludwig, Cologne. Max Ernst: Das Rendezvous der Freunde, June 22–September 8, 1991.

Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Nice. Picabia and The French Riviera, July 5–October 6,

1991. Texts by multiple authors. See also Palacio

Revillagigedo, Center International de Arte, Gijon, 1991.

Kunstverein München, Munich. Francis Picabia, September 16–October 6, 1991.

Fundacion Europea de las Ciencias, las Artes y la Cultura, Madrid (other venues in Bilbao and

Barcelona). La Juventud del Genio, La Pintura europea: From Manet and Degas to Picasso and Bacon,

October 1991–January 1992.

Reina Sofia National Center of Art Museum,Madrid. André Breton and surrealism, October 1–

December 2, 1991. See also National Museum of Modern Art, Center Georges Pompidou, Paris, 1991.

castelgrande, Bellinzona, Switzerland. Sammlung Marguerite Arp: Werke aus der Fondazione

Marguerite Arp, October 5–November 17, 1991; Westfälisches Landesmuseum für Kunst und

Kulturgeschichte, Münster, January 19–March 22; Pfalzgalerie, Kaiserslautern, April 5–May 28, 1992.

Ixelles Museum,Brussels. Jean Cocteau and his artist friends, October 12–December 15, 1991.


Palacio Revillagigedo,Centro Internacional de Arte, Gijón, Spain. Picabia Between Guerras,

October 31–December 31, 1991. Texts by multiple authors. See also Museum of Modern Art and Art

Contemporary, Nice, 1991.


Gallery 1900–2000, Paris. Arthur Cravan: Poet and Boxer, April 7–May 5, 1992. Texts by various


Fine Arts Gallery, Brussels. McKenna/Picabia, May–June 1992.

Neuendorf, Frankfurt. Lagerkatalog 1992, [June 3–July 31], 1992.

Cartier Foundation, Jouy-en-Josas. With Uncovered Face, June 18–October 4, 1992.

Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn. Territorium Artis, June 19–

September 20, 1992.

Maeght Foundation, St.Paul. Art in Motion, July 4–October 15, 1992.

Fundació Caixa de Catalunya, Barcelona. Las Vanguardias in Cataluña 1906–1939, July 16–

September 30, 1992.

The gallery, Paris. Painters of Desire, November 20, 1992–January 23, 1993 (no catalog).

Galleria Arte 92, Milano. Il tempo di tutti i furori: Arp Masson Matta Picabia, November 27, 1992–

February 6, 1993. Text by Enrico Mascelloni.


Old Charity Center, Marseilles. Poetry and Painting: “from one art to another,” February 12–May 23,


Ronny Van de Velde, Antwerp. Francis Picabia, February 28–April 25, 1993. Text and chronology

by Maria Lluïsa Borràs. See also Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró, Mallorca, 1993.

Arts Pavilion, Paris. Apollinaire, art critic, April 4–May 9, 1993.

Melki Gallery, Paris. The Great Masters of the Twentieth Century, April 8–May 29, 1993 (no catalog).

Art Square,Museum of Contemporary Art, Nimes. The Drunkenness of the Real: The Object in 20th Century Art,

May 7–August 29, 1993.

Fundació Pilar i Joan Miro, Majorca. Picabia, May 13–June 27, 1993. Curated by Maria Lluïsa

Borras. See also Ronny Van de Velde, Antwerp, 1993.

Star Gallery, Paris. The Golden Triangle: Duchamp – Picabia – Man Ray, June 4–July 31, 1993. Texts by Alain Jouffroy.

Gray Art Gallery, New York University. The Museum in the Gallery: The 35th Anniversary

Celebration of the New York University Art Collection, June 7–July 23, 1993 (checklist only).

History Museum, Fontaine-de-Vaucluse. Christine Boumeester, Clandestine of Art and Life, June 24–September 9, 1993.

Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung, Munich. Dada: Eine international Bewegung 1916–1925,

September 4–November 7, 1993; Sprengel Museum Hanover, November 21, 1993–February 6, 1994;

Kunsthaus Zürich, March 11–May 29, 1994. See also Kunsthaus, Zürich, 1994.

Waddington Galleries, London. Works on Paper and Sculpture, September 8–October 2, 1993.

National Galleries of the Grand Palais, Paris. Soul to Body: Arts and Sciences 1793–1993, October 19,

1993–January 24, 1994.


Guillaume Gallozzi,New York. Duchamp, Man Ray, Picabia & co., January 27–March 26, 1994

(no catalog).

Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn. ¿Buñuel!: Trough of

Jahrhunderts, February 4–April 24, 1994. See also Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía,

Madrid, 1996.

Michael Haas Gallery, Berlin-Charlottenburg. Köpfe-Gesichter, February 26–April 9, 1994.

Antonio Mazzotta Foundation, Milano. Il disegno el nostro secolo, Prima parte: Da Klimt a Wols,

April 11–July 10, 1994.

Niigata Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Nagaoka. Masterworks of Modern Art from The Art

Institute of Chicago, April 20–May 29; Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Nagoya, June 10–

July 24; Yokohama Museum of Art, August 6–September 25, 1994.

39th Salon de Montrouge, Montrouge. Picabia and Montrouge-Barcelona, April 27–May 29, 1994. Text

by Maria Luisa Borras.

Palazzo delle Esposizioni,Rome. Dada: l'arte della negazione, April 29–June 30, 1994.

Georges Pompidou Center, National Museum of Modern Art, Cabinet of graphic art. Face to face,

June 22–October 9, 1994.

Beaubourg Gallery, Vence. Portraits of Women, July 3–September 30, 1994.

Saint Benin Center, Aosta. The mysterious legacy of the Scuola di Parigi in Montparnasse /

The mysterious legend of the School of Paris in Montparnasse / The mysterious legend of the Paris

School in Montparnasse, August 11,1994–October 12, 1994.

Kunsthaus, Zurich. Dada Global, August 12– November 6, 1994. See also Kunsthalle der Hypo-

Kulturstiftung, Munich, 1993.

Wilhelm-Hack-Museum,Ludwigshafen. Die neue Wirklichkeit: Abstraktion als Weltentwurf,

October 9, 1994–January 29, 1995.

Museum of Fine Arts, Tourcoing. The Metamorphoses of Orpheus, November 19, 1994– January 30, 1995; Old Customs, Strasbourg, March 4–April 30; Municipal Museum of Ixelles, Brussels, May 19–July 30, 1995.


Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, New York. Surrealism, January 15–April 16, 1995.

San Antonio Museum of Art. Five Hundred Years of French Art, April 8–August 20, 1995.

David Zwirner, New York. Francis Picabia & Luc Tuymans, “Paintings,” May 2–June 17, 1995

(checklist only).

Schirn Kunsthalle,Frankfurt. Okkultismus and Avantgarde: Von Munch bis Mondrian 1900–1915,

June 3–August 20, 1995.

Annely Juda Fine Art, London. 1945: The End of the War, June 28–September 16; Denise René Gallery, Paris, September 26–November 4; Hans Mayer Gallery, Düsseldorf, November 11–December 20, 1995.

Palacio Municipal de Exposiciones Kiosco Alfonso, La Coruña, Spain. El Arte del retrato en el

siglo XX, September 1995.

André Malraux Museum of Fine Arts,Le Havre. Transparency in 20th century art,

September 14–November 26, 1995.

IVAM Julio González Center, Valencia. Francis Picabia, Máquinas y Españolas, October 5–

December 3, 1995; Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona, December 19, 1995–March 3, 1996.

Curated by Maria Lluïsa Borràs and Bartomeu Mari in collaboration with Jean-Jacques Lebel;

texts by multiple authors.

The Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York. Paris Modern: The Swedish

Ballet 1920–1925, October 9, 1995–January 15, 1996; The McNay Art Museum, San Antonio, Texas,

February 12–May 12; Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, San Francisco, June 15–September 8,


National Library of France, Paris. Cinema meets the arts: France, 20s and 30s, October 10, 1995–January 6, 1996. Directed by Emmanuelle Toulet.

Georges Pompidou National Center for Art and Culture, Paris. Feminimasculin: The sex of art,

October 24, 1995–February 12, 1996.

City of Paris Museum of Modern Art. Private passions: private collections

of modern and contemporary art in France, December 1995–March 1996.

National Art Museum of Catalunya, Barcelona. Agnus Dei: L'art romànic i els artistes del segle XX,

December 1995–March 1996.


Hiroshima Prefectural Art Museum.The Birth of 20th Century Art: Europe, USA, and Japan in the

1920's–30's, 1996.

Michael C. Carlos Museum, Emory University, Atlanta. Surrealist vision & technique: Drawings and

collages from the Pompidou Center and the Picasso Museum, Paris, February 3–April 7; The Detroit

Institute of Arts, May 4–July 7, 1996.

National Museum of Modern Art,Center Georges Pompidou, Paris. Francis Picabia: Dalmau Gallery,

1922, May 7–July 1, 1996. Curated by Agnes de la Beaumelle and Jean-Jacques Lebel; texts by

multiple authors.

Pobo Galego Museum,Santiago de Compostela. Francis Picabia, o soño español, June–July 1996.

Curated by Marisa Oropesa; texts by multiple authors.

Cartier Foundation, Paris. Like a Bird, June 19–October 13, 1996.

Picasso Museum,Antibes. 1946, The Art of Reconstruction, June 28–September 30, 1996.

Whitney Museum of American Art,New York. City of Ambition: Artists & New York, 1900–1960, July 3–

October 27, 1996.

Reina Sofia National Center of Art Museum, Madrid. ¿Buñuel! La mirada del siglo, July 16–October 14, 1996; Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes, Mexico City, December 4, 1996–March 2, 1997. See also Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bonn, 1994.

Georges Pompidou Center, Paris. 1 Laziness: The Deadly Sins, September 11–November 4, 1996.

IVAM Julio González Center, Valencia. Erik Satie: From Chat Noir to Dada, September 19–November 10,


Bayly Art Museum, University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Movement and Meaning: Images of

Dance in Modernist Art, September 20–December 8, 1996.

National Gallery of Art, Washington.Encounters with Modern Art: The Reminiscences of Nannette

F.Rothschild; Works from the Rothschild Family Collections, September 22, 1996–January 26, 1997;

Philadelphia Museum of Art, March 2–May 11, 1997.

Tate Gallery,London. From Brancusi to Beuys: Works From the Ted Power Collection, November 19,

1996–February 16, 1997.

Whitney Museum of American Art, New York. Making Mischief: Dada Invades New York,

November 21, 1996–February 23, 1997. Catalog by Francis M. Naumann with Beth Venn; texts by

multiple authors.

Nolan/Eckman Gallery, New York. Surrealistic Pillow: An Homage to William Copley, December 7,

1996–January 25, 1997


Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. Magie der Zahl in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts, February 1–May 19, 1997.

Arts Pavilion, Paris. Surrealism and Love, March 6–June 18, 1997.

Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlin. The Age of Modernism: Art in the 20th Century, May 7–July 27, 1997.

Georges Pompidou Center, Paris. 4 Avarice: The Deadly Sins, May 27–June 30, 1997.

Hauser & Wirth Gallery,Zurich. Francis Picabia, Flowers of flesh, flowers of soul; Nudes, Transparencies,

Abstract Paintings, May 30–July 19, 1997. Interview with Olga Picabia and Pierre Calté by Hans-Ulrich

Obrist and Stefan Banz; texts by Harald Szeemann, Carole Boulbès, and Hans Rudolf Reust.

Belem Cultural Center,Lisboa. Francis Picabia antologia/anthology, June 6–August 31, 1997. Texts

by Carole Boulbes, Pedro Lapa, and Arnauld Pierre.

Nassau County Museum of Art, Roslyn Harbor, New York. Poets and Painters, June 8–September 7,


Museum of Art and History of Provence, Grasse. Rediscovered Art: Grasse, Land of Welcome, June 27–October 30, 1997. Part of The Côte d'Azur and Modernity, 1918–1958.

Matisse Museum, Nice. The Mediterranean Myth, June 27–October 20, 1997. Part of The Côte d'Azur and

Modernity, 1918–1958.

Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Nice. From modern to avant-garde, June 28–

October 20, 1997. Part of The French Riviera and Modernity, 1918–1958.

[Apollo Room], Dun-le-Palestel.The Masters of the Creuse: masterpieces of the school of Crozant-

Gargilesse 1830–1930, June 29–September 14, 1997.

Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh. Surrealism and After: The Gabrielle

Keiller Collection, July 5–November 9, 1997.

Regional Prehistory Museum, Chin. Wakefield Mori Collection, July 10–November 3, 1997. Part of

The Côte d'Azur and Modernity, 1918–1958.

Galleria d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea,Verona. Dadaismo Dadaismi: Da Duchamp a

Warhol, July 18–November 9, 1997.

Piltzer Gallery,Paris. Francis Picabia, September 25–October 20, 1997 (no catalog).

Brockstedt Gallery, Berlin. Francis Picabia 1879–1953, October 25–November 30, 1997; Gallery

Brockstedt, Hamburg, January 13–February, 1998


Deichtorhallen Hamburg. Francis Picabia: Das Spätwerk 1933–1953, October 30, 1997–February 1,

1998; Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen, Rotterdam, February 28–June 1, 1998. Edited by

Zdenek Felix; texts by Sara Cochran, Roberto Ohrt,

and Arnauld Pierre.


Singapore Art Museum.The Origins of Modern Art in France: 1880–1939, May 15–September 13, 1998.

Carré d'Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, Nimes. Along the line from Matisse to Basquiat: Collection

of the Center Georges Pompidou, National Museum of Modern Art, Graphic Art Cabinet, June 26–

September 27, 1998.

Kunstmuseum Bern.Von Matisse bis Dalí: Das Legat Georges F. Keller an das Kunstmuseum Bern;

From Matisse to Dalí: The Georges F. Keller Bequest at the Museum of Fine Arts Bern, June 26–October 4, 1998. Texts by various authors.

Beaubourg Gallery,Vence. Francis Picabia: Classic and Wonderful, July 6–October 10, 1998.

Okazaki Mindscape Museum, Okazaki. The Masters of Surrealism: Explorers of the Unconscious,

July 25–September 6; Kintetsu Art Museum, Osaka, September 11–29; Municipal Art Museum of

Kitakyushu, October 23–November 29, 1998.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York. Rendezvous: Masterpieces from the Center

Georges Pompidou and the Guggenheim Museums, October 16, 1998–January 24, 1999.

Grenoble Museum. Francis Picabia, Nudes and Method, October 17, 1998–January 3, 1999; Petit Palais Museum, Geneva, January 14–April 11, 1999.

Curated by Serge Lemoine and Hélène Vincent; texts by Arnauld Pierre and Sara Cochran.

National Museum of History and Art, Luxemburg. The School of Paris? 1945–1964, December 12, 1998–

February 21, 1999.


Society of Four Arts,Palm Beach (and other venues in the Americas). Modern Masters from Corot to Kandinsky: Selections from the Collections of Junto Actuando por la Superación, AC, 1999.

Gallery Bo Bjerggaard,Kopenhagen. Francis Picabia: Painting, April 16–May 22, 1999.

Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden. Bad-Bad: That is a good excuse, April 18–June 20, 1999.

Hong Kong Museum of Art. Masterpieces – The Origins of Modern Art in France 1880–1939,

April 28–June 23, 1999.

The Pierpont Morgan Library,New York. New York Collects Drawings and Watercolors, 1900–1950,

May 20–August 29, 1999.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,New York. Surrealism: Two Private Eyes, the Nesuhi Ertegun

and Daniel Filipacchi Collections, June 4– September 12, 1999, 2 vols.

Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dusseldorf. Puppen, Körper, Automaten:

Phantasmen of the Modern, July 24–October 17, 1999.

Isetan Museum of Art, Tokyo. Francis Picabia, August 12–September 7; Iwaki City Art Museum,

Fukushima, October 17–November 14, 1999; The Museum of Art, Kintetsu, Osaka, January 26–

February 9, 2000. Texts by Beverley Calté and Arnauld Pierre.

Hannema-de Stuers Fundatie, Heino/Wijhe, Netherlands. Apollinaire: Woordvoerder van

de avantgarde / Avantgardist van het woord, September 4–November 7, 1999; Stiftung Hans Arp

and Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Bahnhof Rolandseck, December 1, 1999–January 30, 2000.

Achim Moeller Fine Art, New York. Marcel Duchamp: The Art of Making Art in the Age of

Mechanical Reproduction, October 2, 1999– January 15, 2000.

Odakyu Museum, Tokyo. In Paris, artists' cafes and their legends: Montmartre, Montparnasse and

Saint-Germain-des-Pres, October 13–November; Mie Prefectural Museum of Art, November 13–

December 23, 1999; Sogo Museum, Yokohama, January 2–January 30, 2000; Art Museum of

Daimaru, Osaka Umeda, February 2–February 20; Takamatsu City Art Museum,

February 25–March 26, 2000.


Hamburger Kunsthalle,Hamburg. Surreale Welten: Meisterwerke aus einer Privatsammlung,

February 18–May 7; Van der Heydt-Museum, Wuppertal, June 4–September 3; Kunsthalle

Tubingen, September 17–November 12, 2000.

Städtische Galerie im Lenbachhaus und Kunstbau, Munich. Die verletzte Diva: Hysteria, Körper,

Technik in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts, March 4– May 7; Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden,

June 25–August 27, 2000.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Painters in Paris 1895–1950, March 8–December 31,


Michael Werner, New York. Francis Picabia: Late Paintings, April 12–June 10; Michael Gallery

Werner, Cologne, June 17–July 29, 2000. Text by Dave Hickey.

Sammlung Hauser und Wirth in der Lokremise St. Gallen. The Oldest Possible Memory: Sammlung 1,

May 14–October 15, 2000.

Petit Palais Museum, Geneva. The Painter and Bathers in Modern Art 1890–1960, June 22–

September 24, 2000; Tavet-Delacour Museum, Pontoise, October 14, 2000–January 7, 2001.

Maeght Foundation, St.Paul. The Nude in the Twentieth Century, July 4–October 30, 2000.

Centro Saint-Benin, Aosta. Surrealism, a revolution 1922–1944: Tribute to Max Ernst,

July 15–October 8, 2000.

The Arts Club of Chicago. Late Works of Francis Picabia, September 20–December 16, 2000. Text by

David Robins.

Chateauroux museums.The Golden Section 1912–1920–1925, September 21–December 3, 2000; Fabre Museum, Montpellier, December 15, 2000–March 18, 2001. See also Hong Kong Museum of Art, 2001.

National Gallery of Art, Washington. Art for the Nation: Collecting for a New Century, October 1,

2000–February 4, 2001.

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.Hitchcock and Art: Fatal Coincidences, November 16, 2000–

March 18, 2001.

Brusberg Gallery, Berlin. “Kreuzfahrt” 1900–2000: Pictures from the Jahrhundert, November 18, 2000–

January 27, 2001.


National Gallery of Art,Washington. Modern Art and America: Alfred Stieglitz and his New York

Galleries, January 28–April 22, 2001.

Palazzo Bricherasio, Torino. From Renoir to Picasso: Un secolo d'arte dal Petit Palais di Ginevra,

March 14–June 10, 2001.

Dickinson Roundell Inc., New York. Female Form: Paintings, drawings and sculpture from the 19th and

20th centuries, May 7–June 8, 2001.

Georges Pompidou Center, Graphic Art Gallery, Paris. Works on paper: acquisitions

1996–2001, June 26–September 20, 2001.

Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden. Ich bin mein Auto: die maschinalen Ebenbilder des Menschen,

June 30–August 29, 2001.

Sainte-Croix Abbey Museum, Les Sables d'Olonne. René Drouin, Gallery owner and art publisher

Visionary: The Spectator of the Arts, 1939–1962, July 7–October 7, 2001.

Kunsthalle Bielefeld. Die unheimliche Frau: Weiblichkeit im Surrealismus, September 2–

November 18, 2001.

Tate Modern,London. Surrealism: desire unbound, September 20, 2001–January 1, 2002;

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, February 6–May 12, 2002.

National Galleries of the Grand Palais,Paris. Paris/Barcelona, from Gaudí to Miró, October 9, 2001–

January 14, 2002; Picasso Museum, Barcelona, February 28–May 26, 2002.

National Gallery of Art, Washington. A Century of Drawing: Works on Paper from Degas to LeWitt,

November 18, 2001–April 7, 2002.

Royal Academy of Arts,London. Paris: Capital of the Arts 1900–1968, January 26–April 19;

Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, May 21–September 3, 2002.

Centre Pompidou, Paris. The Surrealist Revolution, March 6–June 24, 2002.

Centre Pompidou,Paris. Dear Painter. . . Lieber Maler. . . Dear Painter. . . : Figurative paintings

from the last Picabia, June 12–September 2, 2002; Kunsthalle Vienna, September 20, 2002–January 1, 2003; Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, January 14– April 6, 2003. Curated by Alison M. Gingeras,

Sabine Folie, and Blazenka Perica; texts by multiple authors.

The Bellevue, Biarritz. Games in Twentieth Century Art, June 22–October 3, 2002; Palace

de Montemuzo, Zaragoza, October 29, 2002– January 6, 2003.

Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art. Picasso and the School of Paris: Paintings from the Metropolitan

Museum of Art, New York, September 14–November 24, 2002; The Bunkamura Museum of

Art, Tokyo, December 7, 2002–March 9, 2003.

Jacquemart-André Museum, Paris. From Caillebotte to Picasso: Masterpieces from the Oscar Collection

Ghez, Musée du Petit Palais de Genève, October 15, 2002–June 15, 2003. See also Palazzo Martinengo, Brescia, 2003.

Patrice Trigano Gallery,Paris. Crossed Destinies: Picabia, Carmen Calvo, FIAC: October 24–28;

Gallery: October 31–November 30, 2002. Preface by Pierre Cabanne.

City of Paris Museum of Modern Art.Francis Picabia, Ideal Singular, November 16, 2002–

March 16, 2003. Curated by Suzanne Pagé and Gérard Audinet; texts by multiple authors.


Georgia O'Keeffe Museum,Santa Fe, New Mexico. Debating American Modernism: Stieglitz, Duchamp, and the New York Avant-Garde, January 24– April 20; Des Moines Art Center, Iowa, May 10–August 3; Terra Museum of American Art, Chicago, August 29–November 30, 2003.

Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Madrid. Musical analogies: Kandinsky y sus contemporáneos,

February 11–May 25, 2003.

Museum Kunst Palace, Dusseldorf. The Endless Enigma: Dalí and the Magicians of Multiple

Meaning, February 22–June 9, 2003.

The Drawing Center,New York. The State of Drawing: Gesture and Act. Selected from the

Tate Collection, April 5–May 31; Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney, June 18–August 24,

2003; Tate Liverpool, September 26, 2003– March 28, 2004.

Center Joë Bousquet and his Time, Carcassonne. Francis Picabia: Writings and Drawings; Met

with Pierre-André Benoit, Henri Goetz, Christine Boumeester, Michel Sima, June 13–September 13,


Hunterian Art Gallery, University of Glasgow. Copper into Gold: Whistler and 19th-Century

Printmaking, June 21–December 24, 2003.

Montparnasse Museum, Paris. Paris–Marseille: From the Canebière to Montparnasse, June 27–October 12, 2003; Château Borély, Marseilles, October 25, 2003–January 15, 2004.

Palazzo Martinengo, Brescia. From Caillebotte to Picasso: I capolavori della collezione Oscar Ghez

dal Museo del Petit Palais di Ginevra, July 19– November 16, 2003. See also Musée Jacquemart-

Andre, Paris, 2002.

Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York (and other US venues). Surrealist Drawings from the Drukier Collection, August 16–October 19, 2003.

Hamburger Kunsthalle,Hamburg. Die Sammlung Wald: Glanzstücke der Malerei des 20. Jahrhunderts, September 17–November 23, 2003 (no catalogue).

Centre Pompidou,Paris. Jean Cocteau, sur le fil du siècle, September 25, 2003–January 5, 2004;

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, May 6–August 29, 2004 (separate catalogue).

Jack Shainman Gallery, New York. Picabia / ManRay / Duchamp: Trilogy, October 10–November 15,

2003 (no catalog).

Orsay Museum, Paris. The origins of abstraction, 1800–1914, November 3, 2003–February 22, 2004.


Sperone Westwater, New York. A Triple Alliance: Giorgio De Chirico, Francis Picabia, Andy Warhol,

January 9–February 21, 2004. Texts by Robert Rosenblum, Fabio Benzi and Jole de Sanna.

National Galleries of the Grand Palais, Paris. The Great Parade: Portrait of the Artist as a Clown,

March 12–May 31, 2004; National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, June 25–September 19, 2004

(separate catalog).

Luxembourg Museum,Paris. Me! Twentieth-Century Self-Portraits, March 31–July 25, 2004.

Sala Fundacion Caja Vital Kutxa, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Paris, 1900–1930 in the collection Oscar Ghez – Petit Palais de Ginebra, April 22–June 6, 2004.

Hong Kong Museum of Art. The Golden Section (1912–1925): French Cubism, May 4–June 17,

See also Museums of Châteauroux, 2000.


Historical Museum of the City of Barcelona. The human condition; El sueño de un sombra;

The human condition: The dream of a shadow, May 10–September 26, 2004.

“Rene Char House,”Isle-sur-la-Sorgue. Pierre-André Benoit, hidden friendships: 50 years of publishing with 20th century painters, July 7–October 3, 2004.

Centre Pompidou,Paris. Sounds & Lights: A History of Sound in 20th Century Art,

September 22, 2004–January 3, 2005.

Hamburger Bahnhof, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin. Friedrich Christian Flick Collection im

Hamburger Bahnhof, September 22, 2004– January 23, 2005.

Kunsthal Rotterdam.Schilders van Parijs 1870– 1940: de verzameling Oscar Ghez, October 2, 2004–

January 25, 2005.

Orsay Museum,Paris. New York and Modern Art: Alfred Stieglitz and His Circle [1905–1930], October 18, 2004–January 16, 2005; Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid, February 10–May 16, 2005 (separate catalogue).

The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Drawing from the Modern 1880–1945, November 20, 2004–

March 7, 2005.

Camden Arts Centre,London. Francis Picabia, November 24, 2004–February 6, 2005. Text by

Verne Dawson.


Michael Werner, New York.Correspondence: Drawings Past and Present, January 25–February 5,


Pierre André Benoît Library Museum,Ales. Francis Picabia, Around . . . , May 11–June 19,


Stadtmuseum Jena.100 Jahre Künstlergruppe Brücke, Die Künstler der Brücke in Jena: Sammlung

Martha and Paul Rauert, June 5–August 21, 2005.

Cantonal Museum of Fine Arts of Lausanne. Private View, 1980–2000: Pierre Hubert Collection,

June 14–September 11, 2005.

Center Pompidou, National Museum of Modern Art– Center for Industrial Creation, Paris. Big Bang:

Destruction and Creation in 20th Century Art, June 15, 2005–February 22, 2006.

Zwirner & Wirth, New York. Girls on film, July 7– September 2, 2005 (no catalog).

Figge Art Museum,Davenport, Iowa. The Great American Thing: Modern Art and National Identity,

September 17, 2005–January 1, 2006; Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, Washington, February 4–

May 21, 2006.

Centre Pompidou, Paris. Dada, October 5, 2005– January 9, 2006. Curated by Laurent Le Bon; texts

by multiple authors. See also National Gallery of Art, Washington, 2006.

The Arts Club of Chicago. Francis Picabia: A Selection of Works on Paper 1903–1951, November 17, 2005–January 20, 2006. Text by Sara Cochran.

Kunsthaus Zurichh. André Breton, Dada file, December 9, 2005–February 19, 2006.


Michael Werner, New York. Francis Picabia: Drawings 1902–1950 / Francis Picabia: Zeichnungen

1902–1950, February 1–March 25; Galerie Michael Werner, Cologne, June 9–July 28, 2006. Text by

Dave Hickey.

National Gallery of Art,Washington. Dada: Zurich, Berlin, Hannover, Cologne, New York, Paris, February 19–May 14, 2006; The Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 18–September 11,

2006. Catalog by Leah Dickerman, with texts by multiple authors. See also Center Pompidou, Paris,


Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro. Erotica: Os sentidos na arte, February 20–April 30,


Fondazione Magnani Rocca, Mamiano di Traversetolo, Italy. Da Monet a Boltanski: Capolavori del '900 dal Musée d'Art Moderne di Saint-Étienne, April 2–July 16, 2006.

Galleria degli Uffizi, Florence. I modelli di Narciso: La collezione d'autoritratti di Raimondo Rezzonico

agli Uffizi, April 22–June 11, 2006. Curated by Antonio Ntali.

Hammer Museum, Los Angeles. The Société Anonyme: Modernism for America, April 23–August 20, 2006; The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC, October 14, 2006–January 21,

2007; Dallas Museum of Art, June 10–September 16, 2007; Frist Center for the Visual

Arts, Nashville, October 26, 2007–February 3, 2008; Yale University Art Gallery, 2010.

The Art Institute of Chicago. Drawings in Dialogue, Old Master through Modern: The Harry B. and Bessie K. Braude Memorial Collection, June 3–July 30, 2006.

Beyeler Foundation,Riehen/Basel. Eros in the Kunst of the Modern, October 8, 2006–February 18, 2007;

BA~CA Kunstforum, Vienna, March 1–July 22, 2007.

Hauser & Wirth Colnaghi,London. Francis Picabia, The Nudes, October 10–November 4, 2006.

National Museum of Fine Arts of Quebec. From Caillebotte to Picasso: Masterpieces from the collection

Oscar Ghez, Petit Palais Museum, Geneva, October 12, 2006–January 7, 2007.

The Cleveland Museum of Art.Barcelona and Modernity: Picasso, Gaudí, Miró, Dalí, October 15,

2006–January 7, 2007; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, March 7–June 3, 2007.

Beres Gallery, Paris. In the time of the cubists: 1910– 1920, October 20, 2006–January 27, 2007. Texts by several authors. Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Cornell

University, Ithaca,New York. A Private Eye: Dada, Surrealism, and More From the Brandt Collection,

October 21–December 24, 2006.

The Red House, Antoine de Galbert Foundation, Paris. Busy going crazy: Sylvio Perlstein collection,

art & photography from dada to today, October 29, 2006–January 14, 2007


The Israel Museum,Jerusalem. Surrealism and Beyond in the Israel Museum,

February–August 2007.

Bahnhof Burger, Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin. “There is never a stop and never a finish”:

In memoriam Jason Rhoades, Werke aus der Friedrich Christian Flick Collection im Hamburger

Bahnhof, May 5–August 19, 2007.

Museum of Modern Art in Bologna. Vertigo: Il secolo di arte off-media dal Futurismo al Web, May 6–

November 4, 2007.

Montparnasse Museum, Paris. The hot hours of Montparnasse: book-camera, June 15, 2007–

January 6, 2008.

Williams College Museum of Art, Williamstown, Massachusetts. Making it New: The Art and Style

of Sara and Gerald Murphy, July 8–November 11, 2007; New Haven, Yale University Art Gallery,

February 26–May 4, 2008; Dallas Museum of Art, June 8–September 15, 2008.

Gallery 1900–2000, Paris. José Pierre, Claiming Surrealism, November 8–December 15, 2007

Gallery Kewenig, Palma de Mallorca. Francis Picabia: Pintures i Dibuixos, November 16, 2007–

January 26, 2008 (no catalog).

Camden Arts Center, London. Strange events permit themselves the luxury of occurring: selected

by artist Steven Claydon, December 7, 2007– February 10, 2008.

Reina Sofia National Center of Art Museum, Madrid. The Spanish Night: Flamenco, Avant-Garde

and Popular Culture 1865–1936, December 20, 2007–March 24, 2008; Petit Palais, City of Paris Museum of Fine Arts, July 5–August 31, 2008.

Texts by several authors.


Gallery 1900–2000, Paris. Francis Picabia: Designs for Literature, January 10–February 16, 2008.

Texts by William A. Camfield and Jean-Jacques Lebel.

Tate Modern, London. Duchamp, Man Ray, Picabia, February 21–May 26, 2008; National Museum of Art

de Catalunya, Barcelona, June 26–September 21, 2008. Edited by Jennifer Mundy.

Malingue Gallery,Paris. “Great” surrealists, March 13–May 31, 2008.

Passage of Retz, Paris. Overexposure: Duchamp, Man Ray, Picabia; Sex, Humor and Flamenco,

March 19–June 15, 2008. Curated by Jean-Hubert Martin.

Centre Pompidou, Paris. Traces of the Sacred, May 7–August 11, 2008; Haus der Kunst, Munich,

September 19, 2008–January 11, 2009.

Tony Shafrazi Gallery, New York. Who's Afraid of Jasper Johns?, May 9–July 12, 2008. Bound with

Four Friends: Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring, Donald Baechler, Kenny Scharf.

Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, Vienna. Bad Painting – good art, June 6–October 12,


Bruce Museum, Greenwich, Connecticut. Paris Portraits: Artists, Friends, and Lovers, September 27,

2008–January 4, 2009.

Kunstmuseum Basel,Kupferstichkabinett. Enchanted Eyes: Zeichnungen & Druckgraphik des Surrealismus, September 27, 2008–January 18,

Centre Pompidou, Paris. Futurism in Paris, an explosive avant-garde, October 15, 2008–

January 26, 2009; Scuderie del Quirinale, Rome, February 20–May 24; Tate Modern, London,

June 12–September 20, 2009.


Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona.Il-luminacions: Catalunya visionària, February 17–

May 17, 2009.

Patrick Painter Inc, Los Angeles. Francis Picabia: Paintings and Works on Paper, March 7–April 25,

2009 (no catalog).

Michel Vidal Gallery,Paris. Picabia: Funny Guy, May 14–July 25, 2009; Tibor de Nagy Gallery,

New York, December 10, 2009–January 23, 2010.

Stiftung Schleswig Holsteinische Landesmuseen, Schloss Gottorf, Schleswig. Fixsterne: 100 Jahre

Kunst auf Papier, Adolph Menzel bis Kiki Smith, May 31–September 20, 2009.

Gallery 1900–2000, Paris (Art 40 Basle). Francis Picabia, June 10–14, 2009.

Patrice Trigano Gallery, Paris. African Art: Dialogue with Francis Picabia, September 9–13,

2009 (no catalog).

Henze & Ketterer Gallery, Berne. Francis Picabia, Motor to all tendencies: Die Jahrzehnte vor

und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, September 12– November 14, 2009.

ComplessoMonumental del Vittoriano, Rome. Dada e Surrealismo riscoperti, October 9, 2009–

February 7, 2010.

The Red House,Antoine de Galbert Foundation, Paris. Uprisings, October 25, 2009–January 17,


Museum of Art and Villa Ciani, Lugano. Corpo-Automi-Robot: Tra arte, scienza e tecnologia, October 25,

2009–February 21, 2010.

Casa del Mantegna, Mantua. Futurismo e Dada da Marinetti a Tzara: Mantova e l'Europa nel segno

dell'Avanguardia, December 13, 2009–February 28, 2010.


Center Pompidou–Metz.Masterpieces?, May 12, 2010–August 29, 2011.

Art Gallery of New South Wales,Sidney. Paths to abstraction 1867–1917, June 26–September 19, 2010.

French Cinematheque,Paris. Brune Blonde: Women's Hair in Art and Film, October 6, 2010–January 16, 2011.

Pleasure Menus Gallery, Paris. Chimeras and temptations. . . , November 3–December 3, 2010

(no catalog).

IVAM (Valencia Institute of Modern Art), Valencia. Obra sobre papel en la colección del IVAM,

November [9], 2010–January [10], 2011.

CAPC Bordeaux Museum of Contemporary Art. BigMinis: Fetishes of crisis / Fetishes of crisis,

November 19, 2010–February 27, 2011.

Since 2011

Gallery 1900–2000, Paris. Francis Picabia, March 16–April 16, 2011. Text by Arnauld Pierre.

Contemporary Jewish Museum,San Francisco. Seeing Gertude Stein: Five Stories, May 12–

September 6, 2011; National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, October 14,

2011–January 22, 2012. Catalog by Wanda M. Corn and Tirza True Latimer.

Villa Les Rhumbs, Christian Dior Museum, Granville. Dior, the artists' ball, May 14– September 25, 2011.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.The Steins Collect: Matisse, Picasso, and the Parisian Avant-

Guard, May 21–September 6, 2011; Réunion des Musées Nationaux–Grand Palais, Paris, October 13, 2011–January 16, 2012; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, February 21–June 3, 2012. See also Grand Palais, Paris, 2011.

Queensland Art Gallery / Gallery of Modern Art,Brisbane. Surrealism: The Poetry of Dreams,

from the Collection of the Center Pompidou, Paris, June 11–October 2, 2011.

Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara. Gli anni folli: La Parigi di Modigliani, Picasso and Dalí, 1918–1933,

September 11, 2011–January 8, 2012.

Beyeler Foundation, Riehen/Basel. Surrealism in Paris (exhibition title Dalí, Magritte, Miró:

Surrealism in Paris), October 2, 2011–January 29, 2012.

Grand Palais, National Galleries, Paris. Matisse, Cezanne, Picasso. . . The Stein Adventure, October 5, 2011–January 16, 2012. See also San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2011.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art,New York. Stieglitz and His Artists: Matisse to O'Keeffe,

The Alfred Stieglitz Collection in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, October 13, 2011–January 2, 2012.

J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles. Modern Antiquity: Picasso, de Chirico, Leger, Picabia,

November 2, 2011–January 16, 2012; Picasso Museum, Antibes, February 16–May 20, 2012. Catalog by Christopher Green and Jens M. Daehner with contributions by Silvia Loreti and

Sara Cochran.

Michael Werner,New York. Francis Picabia: Late Paintings, November 16, 2011–January 14, 2012.

Text by Eric Darragon.


St. Anne Square, Montpelier. The Eye & the Heart: Curiosities and masterpieces in the collections

Montpellier, April 27–June 10, 2012.

Kunsthalle Krems.Francis Picabia, July 15– November 4, 2012. Curated by Hans-Peter

Wipplinger; texts by multiple authors.

The LaM(Lille Métropole, museum of modern art, contemporary art and art brut), Villeneuved'Ascq.

The Magic City, September 29, 2012– January 13, 2013. Texts by numerous authors.

City of Paris Museum of Modern Art.

The Michael Werner Collection,October 5, 2012– March 3, 2013.

Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Drawing Surrealism, October 21, 2012–January 6, 2013;

Morgan Library & Museum, New York, January 25–April 21, 2013.

The Museum of Modern Art,New York. Inventing Abstraction, 1910–1925: How a Radical Idea Changed Modern Art, December 23, 2012–April 15, 2013.

Curated by Leah Dickerman; texts by multiple authors.


Thaddaeus Ropac Gallery,Paris. David Salle / Francis Picabia, January 23–February 23, 2013. Text

by Catherine Millet.

Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt.Letzte Bilder: Von Manet bis Kippenberger, February 28–June 2, 2013.

Malingue, Paris. Atmospheric Perspectives: Works on Paper, April 9–June 5, 2013.

Granet Museum, Aix-en-Provence, and Museum of Fine Arts, Marseilles. The Great Workshop of the South,

June 13–October 13, 2013.

Maeght Foundation,Saint-Paul-de-Vence. The Adventures of Truth. Painting and philosophy: a

story, June 29–November 11, 2013. Catalog by Bernard-Henri Lévy.

Pierre André Benoît Library Museum, Ales. Picabia, pioneer of modern art, July 12–

October 27, 2013. Texts by Carole Hyza, Antoine Coron, and Marie-Odile Hubert.

JF Willumsens Museum, Frederikssund, Denmark. Cafe Dolly: Julian Schnabel, Francis Picabia, JF Willumsen; Hybrid Painting, September 7–December 30, 2013. Edited by Annette Johansen, Anne Gregersen and Margrit



Library-museum of the Opera,Paris. Les Ballets Suédois: an avant-garde company (1920–1925), June 11–September 28, 2014.

Centre Pompidou, Graphic Art Gallery, Paris. Man Ray, Picabia and La Revue Littérature, July 2–

September 8, 2014. Texts by several authors.

Centre Pompidou, Paris. Marcel Duchamp: painting, even, September 25, 2014-January5,2015. Curated by Cécile Debray; texts by multiple authors.


Museo de Arte Murilo Mendes, Juiz de Fora, Brazil. Papel do Poeta, January-MArch, 2015. (No catalog).

Kunsthaus Zurich.Meisterzeichnungen: 100 jahre Grafishe Sammlung im Kunsthaus Zurich, January 23-April 19, 2015

Louis Vuitton Foundation, Paris. The Keys to a Passion, April1-July6, 2015; text by multiple authors.

Cookie Butcher,Antwerp. Francis Picabia/ Johan Muyle: The Impossibility of Reigning, April 18- June 15 2015

Michael Haas Gallery,Berlin. Francis Picabia, May 1-July4, 2015

Hauser & Wirth,Zürich. Transparency: Calder/Picabia, June 14-July 25, 2015; text by Alexander SC Rower, Arnauld Pierre, and George Baker.

Ronny Van de Velde Gallery, Knokke and Ostend. Vision and Motion, August 8 - September 21, 2015

Andrea Caratsch Gallery, Zürich. Francis Picabia: Paintings 1909-1950, September 24-November 20, 2015 (No catalogue)

Gemäldegalerie,Berlin. The Botticelli Renaissance, September 24, 2015 - January 24, 2016; Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Botticelli Reimagined, March 3-July 3, 2016; texts by multiple authors.

Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Strasbourg. Tristan Tzara, the approximate man: poet, art writer, collector, September 24, 2015-January 17, 2016; texts by multiple authors.

Confluence Museum, Lyons. Art and the machine from the 18th to the 20th century. October 13, 2015-January 24, 2016; texts by multiple authors

Pierre Bergé-Yves Saint Laurent Foundation,Paris. Jacques Doucet--Yves Saint Laurent: Living for Art, October 15, 2015-February 14, 2016; texts by multiple authors

WhiteCube, London. Tightrope Walk: Painted Images after Abstraction, November 25, 2015-January 24, 2016.


Kunsthaus Zurich.Dadaglobe Reconstructed, February 5-May 1, 2016; Museum of Modern Art, New York, June 12-September 2016. Catalog by Adrian Sudhalter and others.

Orsay and Orangerie museums, Paris. Apollinaire: The Poet's Gaze, April 6-July 18, 2016; texts by various authors.

KunsthausZurich. Francis Picabia: Our Heads Are Round so Our Thoughts Can Change Direction, June 3-September 25, 2016; The Museum of Modern Art, New York, November 20, 2016-March 19, 2017. Curated by Anne Umland and Cathérine Hug; texts by multiple authors.

Gagosian Gallery.New York. Nude: From Modigliani to Currin, September 20-November 19, 2016.


Michael Werner Gallery,Markisch Wilmersdorf, Germany. Francis Picabia--Arbeiten auf Papier, January 9-February 24, 2017 (no catalog).

Benjamin Sebban Fine Art,Paris. Picabia, January 10-February 10, 2017.

The Art Institute of Chicago.Revoliutsiia! Demonstratsia! Soviet Art Put to the Test, October 29, 2017-January 14, 2018.


Hall Art Foundation,Reading, Vermont. Hope and Hazard: A Comedy of Eros, May 6-November 25, 2018. Curated by Eric Fischl; catalog no.

Granet Museum,Aix en Provence. Picasso--Picabia: Painting Challenged, June 9-September 23, 2018; Fundación MAPFRE, Barcelona, October 11, 2018-January 13, 2019 (separate catalogue). Curated by Aurélie Verdier; texts by multiple authors.

Foundation MAPFRE, Barcelona. Picasso-Picabia: La pintura en cuestión, October 11, 2018-January 13, 2019. Curated by Aurélie Verdier; texts by multiple authors (see also Granet Museum, Aux-en-Provence, 2018)


Kunstmseum,Basle. The Cubist Cosmos from Picasso to Léger, March 30-August 18, 2019; curated by Eva Reifert; texts by multiple authors. See also Center Pompidou, Paris, 2018.

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